Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Numerology-assisted Gift Selection

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Find a perfect gift for a friend, loved one, co-worker, or business associate.

Delight the recipient with a gift that is highly appreciated. The article is designed to help you determine that exactly-right gift.

Numerology can be used to make gift choices easier. And more likely your gift is truly appreciated.

It works like this: Determine the recipient's name number (there is a calculator to help you). The name number represents certain energy. Gifts that resonate with that energy tend to be more wanted and appreciated.

As an example, a person with a 5 name number tends to enjoy experiencing new things — meeting new people, becoming immersed in new cultures, traveling to new places, learning about new discoveries (and making their own discoveries), and other things that resonate with an expression of a personal sense of freedom.

Therefore, gifts the person with a 5 name number is likely to appreciate the most have to do with learning about or experiencing things they have not yet been exposed to. They relish new interests.

Using numerology to help choose a gift works because like attracts like. Gifts that resonate with the recipient's numerology chart are more likely to feel exactly right.

If you don't know the recipient's full birth name, their current name can be used. If you only know their nickname, you can use that. Although the full birth name number is most likely to suggest the best gifts, gifts suggested from numbers from their current name or nickname are also likely to feel right.

That's because every name the recipient knows themself as has a resonance. If the gift resonates with one of those names, it is likely to be fully appreciated.

As an example, suppose there is an office gift exchange and you will be providing a gift for someone named Pat.

The name number for "Pat" is the number 1. Therefore, Pat is likely to appreciate gifts related to independence, leadership, self-reliance, and exploring other ways of doing things. The gift can be a book about being independent, a ticket to a survival products exposition, a membership to a self-reliance club — pretty much anything related to going it alone or learning how to do so.

Although Pat's full birth name is unknown to you, because Pat also knows themself as Pat, they attract and appreciate things that resonate with the number 1.

The gift-suggestions tool can be used for a short list of types of gifts to consider, gifts the recipient is likely to really appreciate. The tool calculates the name number and responds with the list.

If you know the recipient's birthday (month and day) or their entire date of birth, the number for that date may provide additional guidance when choosing a gift, especially if the birth date number is different than the name number.

Knowing the person's birthday or birth date is not required. The name number provides type-of-gift guidance. But if you do know birth date information, the birth number can provide addition clues to the type of gifts that would resonate well with the recipient.

If a birthday or birth date is provided, the gift-suggestions tool also provides a list of types of gifts based on the birth date number, if the birth date number is different than the name number.

Whether for birthday, anniversary, holiday, or a fun surprise, the person's numerology numbers are a guide to smile-getting gift giving.

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