Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Pronunciation Effects

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How your name is pronounced can have an effect on your life.

The affect tends to be subtle and is from the influence of the energy represented by certain letters, particularly vowels.

Numerology readings contain interpretations of the energy the name represents. The name energy may have interpretations of the person's character, desire, personality, and other personal aspects.

All letters of a name have an influence on character. The first consonant of a name and the first vowel of a name tend to have more influence than other individual letters.

The influence of each letter is also part of the whole. The whole contains many influences, including numbers related to the birth date.


There are many postions in a numerology chart.

Each position represents certain numerology energy. The energy has a resonance and the resonance has a subtle influence on the person. The energy represented by some chart positions have more influence than the energy of some other positions.

As an example, the energy represented by the core numbers have more influence then the energy represented by the personal year number.

Because some have less influence and some have more influence, the lesser influence is seen to be subordinate to the larger influence.

The lesser influence still has influence, but less so than the larger influence.


If a vowel is pronounced as a long vowel, its influence tends to be stronger than when pronounced as a short vowel. The long vowel is less likely to be affected by other influences, the short vowel more likely.

Let's take the vowel letter 'e' as an example, and compare the names Jean and Terry.

The numerology energy that the letter 'e' represents is friendly — imaginative, people loving, freedom loving, charming, and compassionate.

When the name 'Jean' is spoken, the 'e' is pronounced as a long vowel. When the name 'Terry' is spoken, the 'e' is pronounced as a short vowel.

Jean is less likely to subordinate the 'e' energy resonance to other influences within her numerology chart, especially as the 'e' is the first vowel of the name. If there is subordination, it is likely to be only some of the resonance of the 'e', not most of it.

Terry, on the other hand, is more likely to be affected by other influences, even when contrary to some of the 'e' energy's resonance.

Silent Letters

There is an effect when a name contains letters that are not pronounced at all when the name is spoken. The numerology energy represented by a silent letter tends to have less influence than verbally pronounced letters.

Regardless of how much subordination occurs, some resonance of the energy of every letter will remain in force. The influence of any letter energy is never diminished to non-existence.

Pronunciation of vowels, and the non-pronunciation of silent letters, can have a subtle effect on the numerological influence represented by a name. The cumulative effect of the energy represented by all letters of the name tends to be stronger than any individual letter energy. However, individual letter energy does have force.

See Numerology Meanings of the Letters of the Alphabet for a short description of each letter's numerological meaning.

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