Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Preparing for Predicted Challenges
The challenge positions are an integral aspect of comprehensive personal numerology chart. Generally not with free ones, but in many paid ones.
Challenges, in a personal numerology report, are an indication of the types of predictable challenging events, situations, or circumstances the person is likely to experience during the living of life.
The numerology challenge readings are not about unpredictable challenges. Instead the challenge readings provide predictable opportunities for personal growth.
The challenges are cyclic — one particular type of challenges during one period of time and another type during another period. The article about challenges talks about this.
Knowing what is coming up or, indeed, understanding a bit better what is happening right now, can be invaluable. With reliable prediction, reasonable preparations and responses can be made.
There are two ways to address challenges.
- Accept and experience them and gain learnings and certainties.
- Ignore them and lose the benefits.
Before a person can accept and learn from numerology challenges, pertinent interpretations of the energy must be known.
When they are not known, any benefits they might have experienced by addressing them are lost.
If you are in the "not known" camp, read the challenges article for an understanding of what the challenges are. Use the free online calculators linked from that article. Then you, too, will be in position to prepare for upcoming challenges and be better informed about current challenges.
Having the numerology predictions at hand, a person can prepare for the challenges.
For challenges already in progress, the prediction may provide a better understanding of what's going on and, thus, a better informed response.
Accepting and Experiencing Numerology-Predicted Challenges
Challenges revealed with numerology calculations can be a good thing — something through which a person can grow and experience more certainty in life. They are an indication of special talents or traits to accept and grow into.
A person might question that if they are a challenge, how can they be good?
They're good because a life with no challenges is a life with little or no growth. Challenges can bring new points of view, new learning and, yes, personal growth — all with the potential of rewarding experience.
Numerology-predicted challenges can be embraced.
The potential for providing personal growth is more than only a pleasing, satisfying, or even exhilarating experience. It can also boost you toward your goals or life purpose or whatever sublime destiny awaits you.
An Example
For an example, let's use a challenge cycle represented by the number 3.
The numerology energy that the number 3 represents resonates with, among other things, creative expression and optimism.
Preparing for the cycle can be accumulating experience with art and creative expression. It's the experience that counts, in this case, because experience stays with a person where intellectual understanding might fade.
Another preparation could be keeping a journal of accomplishments as they occur, not just creativity-related accomplishments but all personal life accomplishments that you notice. The journal can be a perpetual reminder of what you have accomplished and be a reason for further optimism.
Experiencing the challenging energy may include noticing what aspects of creative expression you have issues with and practicing your skill.
It may also include noticing your own accomplishments, be it getting better with creative expression or other life accomplishments. The idea is to generate a sense of optimism.
If there is a number 3 in any of the other personal chart core numbers, their energy is likely to affect the challenge cycle energy and make it less intense or imperative for you. Highly compatible energy of other core numbers may also alleviate the urgency of the number 3 challenge energy — the number 5, for example.
Learn what your challenges are so you can be informed and respond in a positive way.There's personal growth to be had from numerology-predictable challenges. This generally includes feelings of satisfaction.
The secret is in the full and honest acceptance of the challenges and availing oneself of the special tendencies, traits, or talents that accompany them.