Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Numerology Numbers

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In numerology, a number represents certain numerology energy. However, the number is not the energy itself.

Energy can be interpreted. Thus, it can be said that the number has meaning. But it's actually the energy that has the meaning.

Using a cognizance shortcut and saying something is a certain number generally means the number represents the thing rather than the thing literally being the number.

As an example, saying "I am a 4" is understood to mean that a certain aspect of the person resonates with the energy represented by the number 4.

Realizing a number represents an energy that can be interpreted as a concept — rather than the number itself being the concept — can clarify numerology principles.

At this website, you may see references to having a certain number for a certain trait in a numerology chart.

As an example, "numerology destiny number 4" represents the interpretation of the energy represented by the number 4 as applied to the destiny trait.

As a comparison, words represent a concept. For example, one of the concepts for the word "run" is the idea of moving fast on foot. The word itself doesn't move fast on foot, it only represents the concept.

Another comparison is a map. The map is not the terrain, in only represents the terrain.

Similarly, the number in "numerology destiny number 4" is not the trait. Rather, it represents the trait.

What Numerology Numbers Represent

A numerology chart presents several or many traits. (How many traits depends on the type of reading and its depth.)

Each trait in a numerology chart has a number. The number represents the energy for that trait.

Some traits in a numerology chart may be represented by the same number as some other traits. Because they are different traits, the interpretations would differ.

Let's use the number 4 as an example. It represents a resonance of conscientiousness, pragmatism, and focus.

When the number 4 is used to represent an interpretation of the numerology chart's destiny trait, it represents the characteristics or beingness of the person. The interpretation of the number 4 energy for the destiny trait is composed for that idea.

When the number 4 is used to represent an interpretation of the numerology chart's life path trait, the interpretation is composed for the types of events and circumstances likely to be present, frequently or persistently, during the course of the person's lifetime.

The idea is this: Numerology numbers represent energy that can be interpreted for meaning. The number is the label, so to speak, not the meaning.

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