Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Company Life Path Reading
A company's numerology life path number is calculated from the date the company started.
Every person has their own life path. Every marriage has a life path. And, similarly, every company has a life path.
Here, you will find information about company life path readings.
The company's life path energy, calculated from its inception date, is interpreted to reveal tendencies and likelihoods related to what the company does and the events and circumstances that can affect it.
As it is for people and the energy represented by their personal numerology charts, and for marriage numerology life path energy, the numerology interpretations for companies are general. The energy brings a resonance related to the company that nudges it toward certain types of actions.
The nudge doesn't have to be followed. Other nudges exist, too, which may distract the life path energy nudge.
Here are examples of other nudges that can have an effect on whether or not, or how much, the company life path energy nudge is followed.
The numerology energy represented by the company's name and the address of it's physical location.
The numerology charts of the company's officers who direct the company's actions.
Economic requirements when certain things cost too much and others are profitable.
The company may yield to any or none of the nudges it is influenced by.
As noted earlier, a company's numerology life path is the energy represented by the date of company's inception, when it started existing.
The date the company began existence is the date it became official. It is the date the company was registered or the date the first official company papers were signed, whichever comes first.
If nothing official was done to create the company, the date it began existence would be the date of the first action undertaken in its name.
With that date, use company life path tool to do the calculations. It will respond with the company's life path number and an interpretation of the energy that number represents.
It is a succinct interpretation that covers each of these points.
The posture it is apt to have related to business.
The general types of products and services the company tends to provide.
The company's most likely preparedness, or effectiveness of its response, related to economic or business slowdowns.
When contemplating the creation of a business, there are good reasons to consider both the business or company name (see link for information) and the start date of a company. Use the company life path tool for a glimpse into where the company is likely to go during the time it exists for various appropriate start dates.