Affinity Numerology : Name Changes

A Suitable Company Name

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Companies need names so they can be identified.

Company names represent certain numerology energy — as do the names of everything, including people.

There are two different considerations when using numerology to help determine a company name:

  1. The Company — To determine a company name represented by an energy that first and foremost benefits the company by resonating with its intended products and services and, preferably, its preferred customers.

    When the energy of the company name is compatible with what the company does — its products or services — the company is more likely to be a success. That's because the resonance of the name does not conflict with what it does.

  2. The Owners or Operators — To determine a company name that first and foremost resonates with the numerology profiles of the company owners or operators.

    When that energy of the company name is compatible with the numerology profiles of the company owners or operators, their personal resonance with the company is likely to elicit more correct actions than might otherwise be the case — "correct actions" being actions that best benefit the company.

Almost always, the first reason is more important than the second. I'll describe why.

If the numerology profile of the owner or operator of the company resonates well with the company's intended products or services, then generally a company name can be determined that satisfies both of those reasons.

But the profile of the owner or operator isn't always compatible with the goods and services the company provides.

In that case, a company name can be determined that resonates with the name of the owner or operator instead of the company's products and services. But that isn't always prudent.

The reason the company name energy is more important than compatibility with the numerology profile of the company owner or operator is because the owner or operator may change.

When the owner or operator changes, the company goes on.

And can continue to be successful — even when the energy represented by the name of the owner or operator is dissonant with the energy represented by the company name.

Asking a Numerologist for a Suitable Company Name

A competent numerologist can determine prudent numbers for the company name, so long as the company's products and services are known.

The numerologist could clobber together a series of consonants and vowels that calculate to the preferred numbers. But the resulting company name is unlikely to be acceptable to the owner or operator of the company. Further, it might be inappropriate for the geographical area the company will be operating in.

In other words, not suitable.

To get a suitable company name from a numerologist, you'll need to provide the numerologist with a list of acceptable names to consider. The numerologist can then do calculations on each of those names to see which name most closely results in the preferred company name numbers.

If necessary, the list of acceptable names can be expanded.

Why a Numerologist Requires a List of Names

The primary reason why the numerologist needs a list of acceptable company names is because numerology is not a psychic practice. Numerology needs actual names in order to do name calculations.

The numerologist's expertise is in the calculations and interpretations.

The expertise generally doesn't include psychic ability or culture expertise — or even business expertise other than the business of operating a numerology business.

When you provide the information your numerologist requires, then the numerologist can do their best job for you.

A Good Company Name

The energy represented by a good company name resonates with the company's products and services.

Such a company is more likely to be successful. With dissonant name energy, the dissonance may impede success it would otherwise have.

The company name tool can be used to find a good company name.

The tool asks for the types of products and services, and a list of acceptable company names. It responds with a score for each of the names.

The name on the list that gets the highest score is the most compatible with the company's products and services. 100 is the absolute highest score any name can get with the calculator.

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