Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Marriage Life Path
Every marriage has a life path. Certain types of events and circumstances are attracted to the marriage more than others.
In numerology, the marriage life path is calculated with the wedding date.
The life paths of each of the spouses is different than the marriage life path. The spouses are individuals and they attract certain events and circumstances that they experience as individuals.
There are also things spouses experience together — not as individuals but as a marriage. That is the marriage life path.
In other words, a marriage has its own existence. Just like each of the spouses do. Each existence has a life path.
A life path is the events and circumstances experienced during the time of existence.
An example follows. And also information about lucky marriage dates.
The marriage life path is experienced directly by both spouses. Separately, the life path of each of the spouses, as individuals, is experienced directly by the individual.
An Example
As an example, Daiy and Dusky Fictive were married on November 1, 1981. With that wedding date, the marriage life path calculates to the number 4.
The energy represented by the number 4 is pragmatic and methodical. Things tend to happen according to expectations. Events and circumstances tend to relate to conscientiousness, sincerity, and loyalty.
Daiy's life path number is the number 6.
Its energy resonates with home and family, very much compatible with the number 4 energy. Thus, there is little friction between the types of events and circumstances attracted to Daiy and those attracted to the marriage.
Dusky's life path number is the master number 22.
Because the number 22 reduces to the number 4, the types of events and circumstances attracted to Dusky are essentially identical to those attracted to the marriage.
Daiy and Dusky got married on an auspicious marriage date. Not only is the marriage life path good for the business they run, but it also resonates well with both of their personal life paths.
Already Married?
If you are already married, use the marriage life path tool to discover your marriage life path number. An interpretation of the number is also included.
Not Yet Married?
Choosing the best wedding date can make a big difference in your life.
Not only is the marriage life path number important, the resonance or dissonance of the spouses' name and birth date numbers may make a big difference in how events and circumstances unfold in the marriage.
Get the Auspicious Marriage Date Report to help you determine the very best — the luckiest — wedding date. There are many calculation points.
The report takes into consideration the bride and groom's names and birth dates to find the luckiest wedding date according to numerology.
Resonance and dissonance are calculated and the couple's stated preference for a marriage life path are considered. The calculations go deep.
When calculation is complete, your custom report is published.
Get the Auspicious Marriage Date Report. It contains a list of all dates within a range you specify and indicates the amount of auspiciousness for each date.
The Marriage Life Path Tool
The marriage life path tool calculates the life path number for a marriage. Provide the tool with your wedding date and it responds with an interpretation of the energy for that date.
Every marriage has a life path and the marriage life path tool is designed to help you determine what it is.