Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Psychic Numerology Interpretations

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Numerology isn't psychic. But some numerologists are.

Numerology calculations are numerical results. Numbers represent specific numerology energy.

The calculations don't interpret the meaning of the energy. Instead, interpretations are done by humans.

The process of interpretation is subjective and optionally may involve psychic perception.

If psychic perception affects the interpretation, it may seem like numerology delivered a psychic reading.

But it's not numerology that delivered the psychic reading. It is the person doing the interpretation that delivered it.

It may appear to be a small differentiation to make such a fuss about. I will describe why.

Some numerologists inject psychic impressions into their interpretations and some do not. To ask questions that require psychic interpretations of numerology calculations can result in disappointment if the numerologist isn't psychic — or insists on doing a strictly numerology reading.

Here are examples of questions that are likely to require a psychic perception to provide a full answer.

  • When will I get a job?

  • Will I be rich and famous?

  • Will I move abroad?

  • Who is my soul mate?

  • Will I pass the exam?

  • Will my married life be happy or sad?

  • Will I ever have a child?

While numerology energy can be interpreted for likelihoods and tendencies, specific-event responses to questions like the above depend on correctly determining what people will do and will not do. That requires accurate psychic impressions.

If psychic interpretation of a numerology chart is required, consult with a numerologist who is psychic and permits their psychic impressions to influence their interpretations.

Being psychic is unnecessary to interpret numerology energy.

Numerology is complete in and of itself. Although its readings may be augmented, in certain ways, numerology does not rely on and does not require psychic impressions for interpretations.

Numerology calculations reveal tendencies, inclinations, and likelihoods. It determines the most likely characterization, desires, personality, and destiny of a person. It predicts the type of events and circumstances likely to occur repetitively or persistently as a person lives life. And it predicts cyclic changes.

Free will is never thwarted by numerology energy.

Which is why numerology interpretations indicate tendencies and likelihoods, not immutable predetermination.

Although free will always prevails in the immediate, numerology energy tends to eventually express itself. Numerology is mostly right, most of the time.

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