Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Telephone Number Meaning

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Similar to house numbers and street addresses, telephone numbers represent numerology energy that can be interpreted.

There are 3 ways the numerology energy of a telephone number can have an effect.

  1. When your telephone number is a person's first information about you, the energy can have a subtle effect on their first impression of you because it is all they know about you. First impressions are made from whatever is available and might or might not be equivalent with who the person really is.

  2. The energy may have a subtle effect on the caller when they dial the number and on how they approach the conversation — because they are interacting with the telephone number directly. The number, and the effect the caller experiences, might or might not be compatible with the person being called or who owns the telephone number.

  3. The energy can have a subtle effect on you while you are using the telephone or otherwise associate with it.

The numerology energy of telephone numbers are external influences that can have an effect only when associating with them — unlike personal numerology chart energies that can have a perpetual effect. In other words, the energy can have a direct effect on you only while you are using the telephone or otherwise associating with it.

When a person or company's name number (their destiny number) and their telephone number are numerologically compatible, there is a harmonious resonance.

Also with a person's birth date number or company's start date number (their life path number) — the date is more harmonious when numerologically compatible with the telephone number.

When compatible, the telephone number is likely to feel more comfortable or satisfactory.

As an example, a telephone number that resonates with the number 6 is compatible with family. When the number's primary use is for family-related conversations, there is no dissonant energy from the telephone number. It is completely compatible.

However, if the telephone number resonates with the number 1, which is compatible with independence, there may be dissonant energy during family-type conversations. The dissonant energy may manifest in hesitant or less clear speech. Or, perhaps, in a somewhat uncomfortable feeling.

Use the free, online telephone number compatibility tool to calculate the compatibility of a telephone number.

The tool requires the name of the telephone number owner. It also requires a birth date, which may be the owner's birth date or, if a company, the company's start date. The calculator also asks about the purpose of the telephone number — personal, family, social, business/career.

The compatibility tool responds with statements of compatibility. (See the numerology compatibility of number energy article for more information about degrees of compatibility.)

As stated, the numerology energy of telephone numbers can have an effect as external energy, but not as personal numerology chart energy. Still, it may be good to be aware of the compatibilities of your telephone number.

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