Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
How to Interpret Multi-Digit Numbers
Generally, especially for free numerology readings, online or offline, multi-digit numbers are converted to their foundation number. The foundation number energy represented by a multi-digit number generally is obtained by reducing it to a single digit.
Once the foundation number is determined, the energy represented by that number is interpreted.
But a comprehensive interpretation requires more.
Multi-digit numbers can occur in personal numerology charts. The energy represented by each multi-digit number has meaning, too, and can be interpreted.
Paid numerology readings are more likely to have interpretations for some or many of the energies represented by multi-digit numbers.
The energy represented by a multi-digit number is an amalgamated energy. It's composed of the energies represented by (1) the foundation number and (2) each digit of the multi-digit number.
In proportion, the total amalgamated energy contains more of the foundation number energy than it does the energies of the individual digits of the multi-digit number.
The proportions may vary somewhat depending on the number of digits and whether the foundation number is also a digit within the multi-digit number.
To do an interpretation, the energy composition is first determined. Then, the energy is interpreted to provide a numerology meaning.
How Energy Composition Is Determined
The following examples use two different multi-digit numbers, 764 and 854. The foundation number for both is 8. Determining their foundation numbers is accomplished in this way.
764, 7+6+4=17, 1+7=8 854, 8+5+4=17, 1+7=8
The proportion of the energy represented by the foundation number is always more than half of the entire composite energy.
The balance of the composite is composed of the energies represented by the digits of the multi-digit number, the leading digits contributing more than those following.
Multi-Digit Number 764
Here is a representation of the composition for the multi-digit number 764.
The height of the vertical bars represent the proportion of the various numerology energies the multi-digit number energy is composed of. (The colors have no special meaning, but are used to make it easier to see the different bar lengths.)
You see that the foundation number 8 energy is more than twice as high as the digit 7 energy. And you see that the 7 energy is higher than the 6 energy, which is higher than the 4 energy.
Multi-Digit Number 854
When the foundation number is repeated as a digit of the multi-digit number, then the proportion of the foundation number energy is increased by the proportion of the repeated digit.
You can see that here, with the representation of the composition for the multi-digit number 854.
The digit 8 of the multi-digit number 854 is not separately represented in the graph. Instead, because it is the same energy, the 8 is combined with the energy of the foundation number (also an 8).
To obtain graphs of other multi-digit numbers, the online tool Calculate the Meaning of Any Number can be used.
Interpreting the Multi-digit Number
Once the composition of the numerology energy is known, as described above, an interpretation can be made. An interpretation is a description of the energy represented by the foundation number and the digits of the multi-digit number.
Interpretation example: A one-word interpretation for the energy the number 7 represents is "introspection". A short paragraph interpretation of the same energy is "there is a focus on knowing itself and the world it exists in. Study is an aspect of the energy, as is wisdom. Answers generally come from within. There is a quest for perfection."
The Number Meanings index has links to full-article interpretations of all single-digit numbers (and hundreds of multi-digit numbers, too).
The single-digit meaning pages can be used to compose an interpretation for the foundation number and each of the digits in the multi-digit number. The proportion of each energy can be noted and given relevant weight or importance.
Succinct interpretations, along with a graph, can be obtained for any multi-digit number with this tool (also mentioned above), Calculate the Meaning of Any Number. In addition to a short interpretation for each digit, the tool presents a short explanation of how the foundation number is determined.