Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
How to Be Successful
People want to be a success. They want to have successful careers and successful relationships. They want to be viewed with favor.
The numerology energy represented by numbers may encourage or discourage success. But numerology does not by itself bring personal success, nor does it prevent success. Being successful is up to you.
Two things are required to be successful.
Success defined exactly — What does success mean to you, personally? The definition needs to be specific, not general.
Doing the actions to accomplish the success — Although some aspects of success may be affected by others or by events you have no control over, it still requires your actions to bring it about.
Success depends on what you do and what you don't do. Without your active participation, it won't be reached.
Without the first requirement, the second requirement can not happen.
Having "good numbers" or "lucky numbers" are not required to be successful. But they can assist.
It may be helpful, but is never required, to have numbers representing numerology energies that resonate with the success you have defined.
Let's talk about the two things required to be successful. Then we'll talk about the optional good/lucky numbers.
1. Success defined exactly.
Success is subjective. So long as it isn't defined, it can't exist.
An indistinct feeling of what success is, perhaps with an idea that it will be recognized when reached, isn't enough. Success needs to be defined exactly or it will forever be out of reach.
The reason is that a general or nebulous idea of what success might be does not give a person anything specific to aim for. A general goal is not achieveable because there is no specific ending.
For some people, success means either a feeling of having accomplished something desirable or attaining something others see as an ultimate accomplishment.
Yet, that's still nebulous. What is it exactly that's desirable? What is it that others would see as ultimate accomplishment?
For some other people, success relates to finances or power — being rich, being powerful. The concepts of both "rich" and "powerful" are subjective. How much money or how much power is required to reach the point where a person says, "Ah, now I'm a success!"?
For still others, success is a happy marriage, family security, longevity, or recognition.
What situation or event is it that defines happiness, or security? How long does a person have to live to succeed with longevity? What determines whether or not a person is recognized for their contributions?
As you can see, fuzzy ideas don't define success in a way that lets it be accomplished.
To define success, it needs to be brought out of subjective reality and into objective reality. Then, it can be given substance.
Following are examples of taking ideas of success mentioned above and bringing them into objective reality. They are given substance by defining them exactly.
Being rich. Instead of having only an idea of what being rich might be, success can be defined as, for example, a net worth of 80,000,000 USD. The being rich mental concept is brought into objective reality by determining a specific measurement — such as specific net worth, how much cash in hand, or amount of money in your control.
Being rich can also be defined in relation to someone or something else that is tangible, like "the same net worth as my brother" (so long as the net worth of your brother is and continues to be known to you).
Being powerful. Examples of being-powerful success definitions are:
Being elected mayor of a certain city, or elected as the highest official of a certain state or province.
Employing 100 people (any definite number), or being the boss/leader of 100 people.
Being so well known in your chosen profession that every paper you write is eagerly accepted by relevant publications.
A happy marriage. Examples are:
The marriage has sufficient income to eliminate financial stress.
Spouse is always smiling and helps with making decisions.
Family security. Examples:
Owning a home and being without debt.
Living in a guarded neighborhood and children attending a private school.
Longevity. This can be living to be 100 years old or other number that defines longevity success for you.
Recognition. Examples:
Being the honored guest at a dinner attended by those who practice your profession.
Having an article written about your distinguished accomplishments in the publication of your profession's most respected organization.
Each of those examples define success exactly by bringing the idea into objective reality.
It's a required step to success. The next is action to accomplish it.
2. Doing the actions to accomplish the success.
Now that success is defined, determine what actions are needed to become successful.
Success is achieved by doing the actions required to bring it about. And refraining from doing the actions that would prevent the achievement.
Reaching success may be a short or a long process. It depends on what you defined as success for yourself, where you are at now in relation to that success, and your diligence in doing the actions required to achieve it.
Numbers to increase the likelihood of success.
When the vibration represented by a number is compatible with your chosen definition of success, the energy supports your focus and can make success easier to accomplish. That's because like attracts like — the energy that resonates with your definition of success is attracted to that success.
Numerology number energies can help by providing a subtle nudge in the direction likely to lead to your success. But they do not, by themselves, bring success.
Success requires action for accomplishment. No matter how good the numbers are, success isn't going to walk up to you and give you a hug while your days are spent on the couch munching snacks and playing games on your phone.
Numbers aren't a substitute. But the energies they represent can be a help.
Here's a quick short rundown of the type of assistance the energy represented by single-digit numbers can provide.
1 | Exploration. Independence. |
2 | Teamwork. Relationships. |
3 | Creative expression. Charisma. |
4 | Career. Focus. |
5 | Versatility. Expressions of freedom. |
6 | Home. Nurturing. |
7 | Science. Introspection. |
8 | Business. Organizing. |
9 | Humanitarianism. Benevolence. |
For more number energy associations, see the About Numerology Number Meanings article and also the The Energy Represented by Single-Digit Numbers article.
The core numbers of a personal numerology chart are the most important numbers in relation to success. A free online core numbers calculator can be used to see what your core numbers are.
Of the core numbers, 3 are calculated from the name and 2 are calculated from the birth date.
The birth date numbers can not be changed. However, if desired, a person can change their name for different name numbers.
When success is brought out of subjective reality and into objective reality by defining exactly what success is to you, personally, then action can be taken to bring it about.
The energies represented by the core numbers in your numerology chart can make success-accomplishing actions easier or more efficient when they resonate with the success you've defined.