Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
The Energy Represented by Single-Digit Numbers
Numbers, as themselves, have no intrinsic meaning.
But numbers generally represent things that do have meaning. Examples of where numbers may have meaning are a branch of mathematics, accounting, and numerology.
Every study or discipline that uses numbers assigns its own meanings to them. Numerology is no different.
In numerology, numbers represent certain energy or vibrations that tend to affect a person and the life they live.
This article describes the numerology energies represented by the numbers 0 to 9.
Numbers larger than 9 also represent numerology energies, unique energies composed of various measures of the energies represented by 0 to 9. How to Interpret Multi-Digit Numbers addresses multi-digit numbers.
The numerology energy represented by numbers 0 to 9 numbers are described here.
Once numerology energy for numbers 0 to 9 is understood, the effect numerology energies may have can be interpreted for areas of your life you are interested in.
(Your basic numerology chart numbers can be obtained with a free numerology reading. Other numbers can be obtained using these various free online numerology tools and calculators.)
As you read about the types of numerology energies the numbers 0 to 9 represent, you'll discover the effects each number has is unique.
The Energy Flow
The numerology energy represented by the single-digit numbers flow from 0 through 9. Each number represents certain energy.
As you read along, you'll see the differences of the energy for each consecutive number.
You'll notice each number's energy seems to be contrary to the previous or subsequent number — an expression of the manner in which the energy is flowing. This is more noticeable with the lower numbers than the higher ones. As the numbers go higher, there's less contrariness and more inclusiveness.
The numerology energy for the number 0 —
The energy resonates with all that is. There's no separation; no indication that a separation is possible.
In a numerology chart, the interpretation usually relates to infinite possibilities, all or nothing, anything, or other barrier-free ideas.
The energy the number 0 represents is the base from which springs all numerology energy.
The numerology energy for the number 1 —
Some of the energy has separated from the all-that-is energy represented by the number 0. It is alone with its own point of view and is intent on finding out all about itself by experiencing and exploring its surroundings — and changing its surroundings as it seems desirable to do.
In numerology, the interpretation of the number 1 energy generally relates to initiative, self-determination, self-sufficiency, and exploration. Depending on the chart position and the numerologist, the interpretation may also include expression of individuality or independence, assuming leadership, and being self-reliant.
The numerology energy for the number 2 —
When two of the 1 energies encounter each other, a new energy is created. The energy includes the ideas of relationship, belonging, and coexistence.
The interpretation of the number 2 energy for numerology charts generally includes relationships, teamwork, and companionship. Depending on the chart position and influence of other numbers in the chart, "relationships" may be romantic, career, social, or all of those. The ideas of diplomacy, discretion, intuition, and tact may be included in the energy description.
The numerology energy for the number 3 —
The 3 energy is social and creative. There are more than two points of view, all in resonance with each other. The multiple points of view create social interaction. The various points of view give rise to creative expression.
Creative expression is included in interpretations of the number 3 energy. Other aspects in the interpretation may include the ideas of social adeptness, optimism, tolerance, and inspiration.
The numerology energy for the number 4 —
The energy of the number 4 is focused on itself and performance of its obligations. It is dedicated to building for a secure future. Rather than using new methods, it focuses on steps previously proven to be viable.
Interpretation of the 4 energy generally focuses on the single-mindedness of building for the future. Other aspects that may be included in the interpretation are reliability, intensity, conscientiousness, pragmatism, hard work, and focus.
The numerology energy for the number 5 —
The energy of the number 5 expresses a sense of personal freedom unencumbered with personal responsibilities or compliance with societal expectations. The personal freedom generally includes unfettered interacting with others and to experience whatever it wants to experience. The expression is apt to change on a whim.
Interpretations of the number 5 generally relate to adaptability. Other ideas may include sensuality, curiosity, wit, adventure, variety, and the ability to accept unanticipated change in stride.
The numerology energy for the number 6 —
The energy represented by the number 6 is selfless and assumes responsibility for the welfare of others. Generally, responsibility for a family or friends is assumed, but the scope may be expanded to the neighborhood or entire town. It's a maternal and paternal type of energy, teaching and guiding according to it's standard of what's ideal.
Interpretations for the number 6 generally include responsibility of home, family, and health. Other common concepts found in interpretations are harmony, idealism, self-sacrifice, and kindness.
The numerology energy for the number 7 —
The number 7 energy is intent on discovering its essential being by analyzing itself and its reactions to other energies. Its wisdom is inside itself — in its experiences, conclusions, and connections to ancient ancestral knowledge.
Introspection generally is included in interpretations of the number 7 energy. Other aspects in the interpretation may include the ideas of spirituality, wisdom, scientific analysis, pursuit of perfection, recognition of beauty, effective investigation, and appreciation of quality.
The numerology energy for the number 8 —
The energy of the number 8 is materialistic and a builder of institutions and systems that endure and benefit society for a long time. It accumulates material resources for itself and to use for the benefit of the society within which it exists.
The idea of building virtually always is included in numerology interpretations of number 8 energy. Generally, also the ideas of commerce, business, or institutions in position to support the building activity. Additional ideas often found in interpretations are realism, efficiency, balance, material and financial accumulation, assuredness, and management of people and physical resources.
The numerology energy for the number 9 —
The number 9 energy resonates with the whole of humanity. It's focus is on all of existence that can have an effect on the welfare of humanity.
Interpretations of the energy represented by the numerology number 9 generally always include aspects of humanitarianism. And it's philanthropic inclinations. Interpretations may also mention tolerance, compassion, justice, idealistic vision, and being imaginative, influential, and sophisticated.
Interpretation of Numerology Numbers
Understanding the energy represented by the numbers 0 to 9 is required for interpreting numerology energy.
Interpretations reflect the aspect of the numerology chart or the event or circumstance the number pertains to. As an example, the wording of an interpretation for the same number will be different when pertaining to the destiny position (personal characteristics) of a numerology chart than it will be when pertaining to the life path postion (events and circumstances).
The energies tend to influence people as a persistent but subtle nudge.
However people have free will. Every person may decide for themself whether or not to go with the energy flow or to pursue a different approach to life — and may change their mind at any time.