Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Marriage Destiny

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When two people come together and create a marriage, the marriage itself has a numerology profile.

Properly interpreted, the marriage destiny number reveals tendencies and likelihoods related to the marriage's destiny.

The destiny position of the marriage numerology chart is one of the two most important positions. As for personal numerology charts, the two most important are the destiny position and the life path position.

This article is about the destiny position for marriages. The marriage life path article has information about the life path position.

The destiny energy represents what the marriage is known to be by the marriage partners and, also, what the marriage tends to become more of or evolve into.

The number for the destiny position of the marriage numerology chart is calculated with the combined birth names of the marriage partners. The energy represented by the result is then interpreted.

The destinies of each partner's personal numerology charts have an effect on the marriage destiny. Likewise, the marriage destiny affects the destiny energy of the individual partners. The marriage is, after all, the creation of the persons that the partners are. Thus, marriage compatibility is important.

Which destiny energy is stronger depends on applicability. For the marriage, the marriage destiny energy is stronger. For each of the partners, the individual partner's destiny energy is stronger.

The marriage's numerology calculations are separate from the individual partners', like the numerology profile for each partner is individual and separate.

The partners can get their individual destiny readings. Which is a good thing to do. But combining the individual destiny readings to determine the marriage destiny is unlikely to be accurate, perhaps wildly inaccurate.

Yes, in marriage two people can become as one. Yet, nobody un-becomes their individual existence. Instead, there are now three existences — you, your partner, and your marriage.

The marriage has its own existence dynamics, an existence encompassing the partners plus it's own history and experiences. While not independent of the partners, it is still more than the spouses combined.

As life is experienced, the marriage changes. The interpretation of the energy represented by the marriage destiny number suggests the direction of its evolvement.

Use the marriage destiny calculator to get your marriage's destiny number and an interpretation of the energy it represents.

The energy represented by the destiny number is interpreted to reveal who and what a marriage is likely to be, the essence that the partners recognize as their marriage — and what the marriage is likely to become.

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