Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
How Numerology Predictions Work
No foretelling system can predict with consistent accuracy the specific events and circumstances that will happen in the future.
But tendencies, likelihoods, and probabilities can be predicted.
Life is that way. There are no certainties. But there are tendencies that lean toward certain likelihoods and probabilities.
Numerology can predict, in resonance with life, the types of things that are likely in the future.
Numerology predictions are about life and emulate life, where certainty about the future is forever elusive but tendencies and likelihoods can be known. Knowing the tendencies and likelihoods, we can do certain things and not do other things that are most likely to result in what we want.
Actions and inactions affect what is likely in the future.
Basing decisions about what to do and not to do according to probabilities revealed with numerology is likely to bend the future into the desired direction.
The energies represented by numbers from numerology calculations resonate with an ever-present and persistent, but subtle, push or attraction. That is the energy consulted by numerologists to interpret what the tendencies or likelihoods are for the situations or periods in question.
And that is how numerology predictions work.
The predictions are not details about specific events or circumstances. Rather, they are a prediction of the tendencies that are or will be present, or the likelihood of certain types of events or circumstances.
As an example, someone with a power number 5 is likely to feel compelled to express a personal sense of personal freedom at about age 40. If none of the major name or birth date numbers are 5, that urge will tend to interrupt previously established life routines.
The power number 5 is a mathematical certainty. But its effects are a likelihood; not a given.
Every aspect of a personal numerology chart provides information about what is likely within the scope of the aspect.
The knowledge can be used to make life decisions with more certainty. It furnishes a person with power and control over life.
When something is a likelihood, it can be prepared for. The situation or event can be influenced so it happens more dramatically or differently or perhaps so something else happens instead.
As another example, a person knows that a personal year number 2 is due during the next year. During that 2 year, projects involving teamwork or diplomacy will tend to have more success than projects done by oneself.
The year before the personal year 2 would be a good time to complete all the projects the person wants to do by themself.
Although it may seem counterintuitive, generally it is more beneficial for an individual to perceive what is likely to happen than to believe with certainty they know what is going to be.
This is the reason: Knowing what is likely gives a person the ability to try to change it. Believing one knows with certainty what is going to happen blocks changes and may foster a fatalistic attitude.
Numerology makes predictions by using arithmetic to precisely determine what the likelihoods and tendencies are at a specific point in the future.