Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Yearly Global Numerology Forecast
There are universal numerology energies that affect the entire world. They provide a nudge for certain types of events and circumstances to occur.
Similar to personal numerology charts, global energies change every year.
This page provides a 3-year, yearly global numerology forecast.
These are yearly global tendencies, not personal tendencies. For personal tendencies, see the personal yearly numerology readings article.
Global readings are about general inclinations during the year.
Some individuals will flow along with universal inclinations on some or most days of the year. Others, because their expression of free will is otherwise or their personal numerology charts conflict, will experience something different.
Here are the earth's tendencies for 3 years, beginning with the current year, 2025, through 2027:
2025 number 9
(2025 = 9)
The human condition, the state of humanity, and geographical areas of need tend to get more attention this year. The year's resonance presents opportunities to help by personal effort and with philanthropic gestures. And the opportunities are more likely to be recognized and less likely to be ignored.
The numerology energy for the universal year 9 resonates with humanitarianism, compassion, and tolerance. A focus on an ideal is likely. Also more understanding and increased interest in philanthropy.
2026 number 1
(2026 = 10 = 1)
More people are likely to be independent or work toward independence this year because the year's resonance is associated with self-reliance and self-sufficiency. The resonance can apply to individuals, social organizations, and even entire countries. It's a year when people are more likely to succeed in their pursuit of independence. Expect to hear of many new projects and organizations getting started during the year as more people proactively assume leadership positions.
The numerology energy for the universal year 1 resonates with invention, leadership, exploration, being alone, self-reliance, self-determination, and independence.
2027 number 2
(2027 = 11 = 2)
Cooperation and diplomatic relations have the year's resonance as support to be more effective this year. Relationships between individuals, between groups, and between countries seem to have more options. There is likely to be more attention on improving relationships — personal, career, and social.
The numerology energy for the universal year 2 resonates with teamwork and diplomacy. The year tends to attract cooperation among disparate groups, partnerships, and agreements.
Here are forecasts for other time periods:
The Universal Influence Cycles Calculator calculates the daily, monthly, and yearly forecast for the date you select.