Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Effects of 1 to 2 Personal Year Number Change
A shift from personal year number 1 to number 2 is the most striking of all personal year energy changes.
When a change from personal year number 1 to number 2 is in process, the person's focus tends to shift from a perspective of self-sufficiency and aloneness to relationships with others.
It can start as early as late October. Some people notice it then. Others notice it later, perhaps as late as mid-November. The energy shift completes in early January.
Although free will and life situations can prevent the energies from having much effect or being noticed, the shift from 1 to 2 is more likely to have an effect and to be noticed than other personal year number shifts. It's because of the great dichotomy between the energies the two numbers represent — their sharp dissonance.
The personal year energy is transitioning from a year of self-determination, independence, and self-sufficiency.
The personal year energy is transitioning to a year of relationships, coexistence, and teamwork.
The essence of the energy represented by the number 1 is independence and other ideas supporting that. It includes self-sufficiency, self-determination, and solitary exploration of new ways of doing things. It also implies aloneness — a welcome aloneness.
The energy represented by the number 2 is about relationships. It's about the welfare of of individuals in the relationships and connotations of that. Teamwork, diplomacy, and companionship are part of the energy. As is the recognition of coexisting with others.
When the personal year number changes from 1 to 2, the person is transitioning from a year of self-determination and going it alone to a year of teamwork and relationships.
The energy represented by the two numbers, 1 and 2, are incompatible.
The change can be dramatic and, if unanticipated, may be disorienting. If the other numbers in the person's numerology chart lean toward a resonance with the number 2, the change is likely to be exceptionally welcome.
Let's look at the numerology chart of one of our Example People.
When Dusky Fictive was 34 years old, in 1996, he was experiencing a personal year number 1. He was married. His children, Sunrise and Neight were 11 and 14 years old, respectively.
He loved his family and was devoted to them. Therefore, going off and doing his own thing wasn't feasible.
What he ended up doing is taking the personal initiative to add new marketing techniques and a new line of products to the hardware store he was managing for his father.
Then the new year came along, with it's personal year number 2 — a number all about relationships.
To Dusky, it felt like coming back to his family. Although it seemed sudden and it certainly was dramatic, it was a welcome change. During the previous year he had been torn between his need to be self-sufficient and his desire to be part of his family.
The energy represented by the personal year number 2 encouraged a return to full communion with his family.
Now that you know what to expect during a personal year 1 to personal year 2 transition, you can be ready for it — so it is less dramatic than it might otherwise have been.