Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Email Address Numerology

Your email address may reflect who you are or it may present you in a light you wish it didn't.

If you've ever looked at an email address and got a certain feeling about the person, you know what I'm talking about.

An email address can project certain things about the person the address belongs to. It can be instrumental in causing the viewer to form a first impression about the address' owner or to have a certain feeling about them.

How do you know if you have an appropriate email address? By doing the numerology on it.

I'll describe how you do it.

If you prefer not to do the calculations manually, as described below, you're welcome to use the automatic email numerology calculator.

Doing the Numerology for an Email Address

The numerology is done only on the "name" part of of an email address, the part before the "@" character. As an example, the name part is blue in this email address: person@example.com

There are 3 primary aspects of an email address that provide first impressions and feelings.

  1. The first letter or number of the email address. It's the numerology cornerstone of the address.

  2. The first vowel of the email address, if there are any vowels. It's the open heart number.

  3. The entire "name" part of the address (the part before the "@" character). This provides 3 valuable insights:

    1. The destiny the email address projects.
    2. The personality of the email address.
    3. The heart's desire resonance of the email address.

All of those aspects blend together to form a vibe or resonance that some people can feel. Other people are affected by the resonance even if they don't consciously feel the resonance itself — they just get a feeling or impression of some kind about the email address' owner.

Step-by-step Example

Let's use a fictitious email address as an example for describing how to determine the resonance of your own email address.

The example email address is william@example.com

Here's how to do the calculations on "william" and where to find interpretations for the result.

1. The first letter — The name's cornerstone resonance.

The first letter of "william" is the letter "w." Thus, "w" is the cornerstone.

The cornerstone can be a numerical digit, 1 to 9, or a letter, consonant or vowel.

If the first character is the digit 0 or a non-alphanumeric character, then the cornerstone reading doesn't apply to the email address.

Convert a numerical digit cornerstone to a letter before obtaining the resonance. Convert the digit this way:

1 = A 2 = B 3 = C 4 = D 5 = E
6 = F 7 = G 8 = H 9 = I

To obtain the cornerstone resonance, go to the cornerstone page and find the reading for the letter representing the cornerstone.

2. The first vowel — The name's open heart resonance.

For "william," the first vowel is the letter "i." Thus, "i" is the open heart letter.

If the name part of the email address doesn't have a vowel, the open heart reading doesn't apply.

To obtain the open heart resonance, go to the open heart page and find the reading for the first vowel of the name.

3. The entire name — The name's destiny, personality, and heart's desire resonances.

This third reading applies to the entire name part of the email address, "william" in our example.

First step:

If the name you're getting a reading for contains numbers or non-alphanumerical characters, do these steps before obtaining the resonances:

  1. Remove any digits 0 or non-alphanumeric characters from the name.

  2. Convert any numerical digits, 1 to 9, to their letter equivalents according to this table:

1 = A 2 = B 3 = C 4 = D 5 = E
6 = F 7 = G 8 = H 9 = I

As an example, if the name part of the email address were "daiy.jane0123," then the above steps would make the name "daiyjaneabc".

Second step:

The second step is to calculate the three numbers for obtaining the destiny, personality, and heart's desire readings.

To do the calculations, add together the letter values of the name being calculated. Use this table to find the letter values:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V W X Y Z  

The number at the top of the column of the letter is the number to use for calculation. Here's how it's done:

The destiny reading —

To calculate the number for determining the destiny reading, add together the letter value of all the letters of the name. If the result is more than 9 and not 11 or 22, add together those digits. If result is again more than 9 and not 11 or 22, add those digits. Keep doing that until the result is one-digit or 11 or 22. (Adding together multi-digit numbers like that is called reducing the number.)

Here's how it's done for the name "william".

W   I   L   L   I   A   M
5 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 4 = 34
                    3 + 4 = 7

The number for the destiny reading is the number 7.

To obtain the destiny resonance, go to the destiny page and find the reading for the calculated destiny number.

The personality reading —

To calculate the number for determining the personality reading, add together the letter value of the consonants of the name. Reduce the number like you did when you calculated the destiny number.

Here's how it's done for the name "william".

W   L   L   M
5 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 15
        1 + 5 = 6

The number for the personality reading is the number 6.

To obtain the personality resonance, go to the personality page and find the reading for the calculated personality number.

The heart's desire reading —

To calculate the number for determining the heart's desire reading, add together the letter value of all the vowels of the name. Reduce the number like you did when you calculated the destiny and personality numbers.

Here's how it's done for the name "william".

I   I   A
9 + 9 + 1 = 19
    1 + 9 = 10
    1 + 0 = 1

The number for the heart's desire reading is the number 1.

To obtain the heart's desire resonance, go to the heart's desire page and find the reading for the calculated heart's desire number.

Putting it All Together

The email address numerology reading consists of the individual readings obtained by the above steps:

  • The cornerstone.
  • The open heart.
  • The three individual name readings —
    • destiny
    • personality
    • heart's desire

Put those individual readings together to compile a complete email address reading. Here's the composite for the "william" email name example of the william@example.com address.

(Cornerstone, from the first letter "w") Life is approached with a sense of purpose, yet with creativity, versatility, and a love of change. In company, charisma and a mental facility stimulate conversation.

(Open heart, from the first vowel "i") Concern is felt about the well-being of others, especially social groups and humankind as a whole. You are sensitive to their needs.

(Destiny number 7, from all letters of the name "william") The destiny is to be one of the educators of the world — uncovering and understanding the mysteries of life.

(Personality number 6, from consonants of the name "william") Nurture, home, harmony, belief, and responsibility are the essence of this vibration. Generally, the person recognizes their responsibility to others and takes them seriously.

(Heart's desire number 1, from vowels of the name "william") The heart's desire is a need to lead and direct, especially to direct its own life. There is a strong desire to be independent and self-sufficient. The person wants home, spouse, and family to be a credit to them.

Seeing all those individual readings together, it's easier to comprehend the composite.

A person seeing the email address william@example.com can get a feeling about the person who owns the address related to any of the individual readings, or a feeling related to the composite.

What are others likely to feel when they see your email address?

The email numerology calculator can determine the individual readings and the composite for your email address. Or, you can do it manually with the procedure outlined above.

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