Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Your Heart's Desire Number
The energy represented by the heart's desire number will always be present.
The energy represents a desire, an inner urge a person is born with, that which drives them. It is a perpetual motivation.
The energy does not indicate a lack, but the opposite. It indicates an inner resource, something innate. The desire-urge-motivation-drive aspect of the energy is for more of what is already present or a fuller experience with it — evermore desiring to evolve those traits closer to perfection.
It is a clue to your inner resources. It indicates what your foundation is likely to be — something closely aligned with what you sense your purpose in life to be. It is that from which your enthusiasm and energy springs.
The heart's desire energy is like a beacon toward which the person gravitates.
The heart's desire number is calculated from letters of the birth name, which includes both the personal name and the family name — also known as first, middle, and last names. A name change might add to or subtract from the birth name heart's desire energy. But the birth energy never entirely goes away.
The heart's desire can be likened to a soul's urge (another name for heart's desire that some Numerologists use).
The free, online heart's desire number calculator can be used to get your heart's desire number and an interpretation for it.
Knowing what your numerology heart's desire number is and understanding a skilled interpretation of the energy the number represents allows you to live life with more awareness and correspondingly less uncertainty.
Numerology Heart's Desire Number Interpretations
Here is a synoptic interpretation of the energy represented by each possible numerology heart's desire number.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 1 —
The person with heart's desire number 1 is likely to experience an urge for self-reliance — a strong need to be self-sufficient and to direct their own life.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 2 —
The person with heart's desire number 2 is likely to be helpful and kind and willing to work for and with others. They generally desire a more intimate relationship than they have or to have better relationships with co-workers and friends.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 3 —
The person with heart's desire number 3 is likely to want joy and happiness for themself and for those around them. But most of all, a desire to express themself artistically, especially through the arts like decorating, crafting, acting, sculpting, music — anything with color, form, or rhythm.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 4 —
The person with heart's desire number 4 is likely to have a practical point of view and want to put more order into their environment.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 5 —
The person with heart's desire number 5 is likely to experience a yearning to express their personal sense of freedom — expression of free will, experiencing life in all its aspects.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 6 —
The person with heart's desire number 6 is likely to desire responsibility for a family, steadfast love, a harmonious home, domesticity, and maintaining long-standing family traditions.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 7 —
The person with heart's desire number 7 is likely to desire to live their inner life privately, in peace and comfort.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 8 —
The person with heart's desire number 8 is likely to desire big undertakings — organizations, projects — and to have both the skills and physical resources to handle them. There's a desire to be involved as a primary figure in organization, construction, finance, and large commercial operations.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 9 —
The person with heart's desire number 9 is likely to want to use their knowledge and experience for the well-being of humanity. The person tends to dream of a world with understanding, harmony, and trust as the norm.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 11 —
The person with heart's desire master number 11 is likely to be a natural peacemaker and diplomat, and to be known for their spiritual and psychic sensitivity. People are inclined to call themselves a friend of this person.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 22 —
The person with heart's desire master number 22 is likely to desire respectability, love, and family pride and traditions. They are apt to wish for the knowledge and experience needed for them to feel confidence and certainty.
Synoptic Interpretation of Heart's Desire number 33 —
The person with heart's desire master number 33 is likely to wish for talent to be more persuasive, more influential.
How to Get Your Heart's Desire Number
Use the heart's desire number calculator. The calculator also presents an interpretation for the heart's desire number it calculates for you. Simply type in your name and click the button.