Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Numerology and the Good Life
Numerology can be used for a good life and a good future.
Life tends to be easier and happier knowing your numerology characteristics and cheerfully working toward desired and achievable goals.
A person's future is more easily determined if they are certain of who they are and know their self-chosen future. Contrarily, personal confusion and resignation are likely to lead only to more of the same.
A self-determined future is unlikely to be reached by someone who is uncertain where they are now. To plan a route, you have to know where you're starting from.
Numerology provides answers to questions about one's destiny and life path. Both can help a person determine who and where they are.
A free online calculator is available to obtain a destiny reading. There is also one for a life path reading.
The answers numerology provides can be used as a guide.
They will not live your life for you. That's your job. But the answers will provide a glimpse into the numerology tendencies and likelihoods present in your life.
The destiny reading calculator, linked to a few paragraphs earlier, provides clues to the numerology characteristics of the person you associate with being who you are. The characteristics are tendencies likely to be present now and evolving into the future.
The life path reading calculator, also linked to in the earlier paragraph, provides an indication of the types of numerology events and circumstances likely to present themselves either persistently or intermittently as you live your life.
A numerology reading generally presents more than those two aspects, or chart positions. But they are the two most important to be aware of.
Those may be used to become more certain about who you are and some things you are likely to experience. They can give you reason to be more certain about yourself.
Knowing yourself a bit better, it will be easier to determine the future you want and what actions you can do to get you there.
That is what is meant by the good life — knowing yourself and getting what you want out of the living of life.
The free numerology reading at this same website can be used to obtain a numerology reading of additional chart positions. And there is a dedicated page of links to other free calculators and numerology tools.
Additional numerology readings and information are likely to make your life even easier and happier.
Only you, yourself, can make your life that way.
You have the power. All you have to do is do it.