Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Numerology Predictions for Year 2025

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The universal energy during year 2025 will resonate with humanitarianism, tolerance, and compassion. Also generosity and holistic points of view.

Universal energy permeates the globe of Earth. It influences individuals, some more than others. The How Universal and Personal Numerology Energy Affect Each Other article talks about the influences.

The year 2025 is a universal year 9 (calculation: 2+0+2+5=9). As noted, the numerology energy of the number 9 resonates with humanitarianism. The human condition, the state of humanity, and geographical areas of need tend to get more attention this year. The year's resonance is likely to present opportunities to help by personal effort and with philanthropic gestures.

Remember, the same universal energy permeates all of humanity.

Universal numerology energy is not individual numerology energy (as revealed by personal numerology readings).

Although different, both universal and personal numerology energies are gentle nudges.

Personal numerology energy tends to be more immediate or closer to the individual and suggests likelihoods. Universal numerology energy is dispersed among all of humanity and suggests a general tendency.

This article's focus is on universal numerology energy.

The first and foremost aspect of the universal 2025 numerology energy is a resonance with humanity as a whole — rather than a resonance with distinct individuals. The resonance with humanity includes a desire to make things ideal for all humans or a geographical area populated by humans, such as a country or a region.

There tends to be an increased interest in philanthropy. Opportunities to help are more likely to be recognized and less likely to be ignored.

Those are the universal numerology resonances of 2025.

The energy is quite different than the business potential and financial gain types of energies that we experienced during 2024.

During the upcoming year, 2025, people will have more tendency to express leniency. They will tend to be more generous towards people who can use assistance, both financially and with expressions of tolerance.

There will also be a tendency to try to see things from a holistic point of view before jumping to conclusions. There is more acceptance of the existence of beliefs and lifestyles a person is unfamiliar with or doesn't agree with.

Every date has it's own numbers. The universal year is calculated from the year number, which gives us clues about the year's tendencies. Thus, with the number 9 calculated for the year 2025, we know year 2025 is likely to have more focus on the state of the earth and how it affects us humans than previous years, with other numbers, did.

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