Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

How Universal and Personal Numerology Energy Affect Each Other

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The vibrations of the energy represented by universal numerology numbers are everywhere.

You can't get out of it. Yet, they are generally unnoticed.

The universal energies are ubiquitous, so much a part of our environment that we don't pay special attention to them.

Like the weather, or the air you breath, which also are generally unnoticed — until something attracts your attention.

Universal numerology energies are represented by year numbers, month numbers, and day numbers. Similarly, there are energies represented by numerology personal year numbers, personal month numbers, and personal day numbers.

The personal number energies apply to individual persons. The universal number energies apply to everybody.

As noted, universal energy is everywhere. The energy represented by personal numerology chart numbers is effective only where an individual person exists, their physical location.

An Analogy

Let's use a ferry boat for an analogy of how the personal year number energy can be affected by universal year number energy.

The ferry boat can be likened to the universal year number energy, the number everybody is affected by. The people on the boat each have their own personal year number.

Everybody together is being carried along by the boat, the universal year number. Yet, the people are also affected by their personal year numbers.

The ferry boat is going in one universal direction and its passengers are going about their business in personal directions.

Thus, you have a boat traveling along with passengers going about their personal business.

The passengers pay attention to their own individual needs and goals and intentions. They don't notice the direction of the boat so much; it's trusted to be going in the right direction and seems somehow ubiquitous.

Yet, the boat, like universal numbers, is most important. Without the energies represented by numerology universal numbers, there would be no place for people with personal numbers to express their individuality.

A Broader Living-Life Example

Let us suppose the universal year number is 5 and your personal year number is 4. (Here are tools to obtain the real current universal number and your real current personal year number.)

The universal year energy represented by the number 5 resonates as (among other things) a nudge to every person to be curious and to express their sense of personal freedom.

The nudge is so subtle that many people don't feel it. But it's there. And the effect may be sensed even when the nudge itself is not.

The personal year energy represented by the number 4 resonates as (among other things) a nudge to pay attention to details and to strengthen or build upon a secure foundation upon which the future can rest.

The 5 energy and the 4 energy don't resonante well together. There is some conflict, some incompatibility.

Because the 5 energy is universal, it is dispersed throughout Earth. The 4 energy, being personal, has an effect only at the physical locations of the person.

The person is likely to feel an urge to build and maintain a secure life. In addition, as an undertone, they are likely to frequently feel an urge to express themselves thoroughly according to whatever whim they may feel.

The 4 energy is stronger, in this case, and more likely to be followed. But the 5 energy, being a constant subtle urge, is also likely to be pursued once in a while.

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