Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Numerology Chart Cycles
The birth date is used for all personal numerology chart cycle calculations.
Things change in a person's life. Numerology can reveal some of the whens and their most likely meanings.
Every numerology cycle has a minimum of two calculations:
The cycle period: This calculation reveals the timing of when things are likely to change. The cycle period is always calculated with the birth date.
The cycle number: This calculation reveals the cycle number. The number represents certain numerology energy that numerologists use to interpret the meaning of the cycle. Most cycle numbers are calculated with the birth date, but some are calculated with the name.
This article lists all the significant numerology cycles of traditional Pythagorean numerology. Included for each cycle are:
- A short description.
- A link to more information.
- A link to a free online tool for calculating your own cycle period and number.
The free online tools generally include interpretations for the calculated cycle number.
Preceding all that is information about the timing of cycle changeovers.
The Timing of Cycle Changovers
Most cycle changeover dates occur on the person's birthday, the month and day the person was born.
Some, however, change according to the calendar. The personal year changes when a new year begins, for example.
Each cycle description in the list will note whether the changeover is on a birthday or a calendar date.
The changeover is gradual, not a sharp switch of one day, one energy, and the next day a different energy.
The Numerology Chart Cycles
These are all the significant numerology cycles within the practice of traditional Pythagorean numerology.
The Power Cycle
The numerology power number represents a cycle that changes only once. The change is from a cycle of ineffective to a cycle of effective.
The cycle number is calculated from both the birth date and the name, and the number doesn't change. What changes is the effectiveness of the energy represented by the cycle number.
This is the longest numerology chart cycle. It is also the only numerology cycle without a specific date for the changover. Instead of being specific, the changeover is mid-life, around age 40.
The change can be gradual over several years, although it may seem sudden when the person or their friends finally notice the shift in life focus or priorities.
Use the power number tool for calculating your power cycle number.
The Life Period Cycle
There are three life period cycles. Both the cycle periods and the cycle numbers are calculated from the birth date.
The first life period cycle lasts for a period of 27 to 35 years. The second lasts for 27 years. And the third lasts for the rest of the person's life.
The changeover is on the birthday of the year the cycle changes. The transition can be for a period of many months, even a year or more.
Use the life period cycle tool for calculating your cycle periods and cycle numbers.
The Pinnacle Cycle
There are four pinnacle cycles. The cycle periods and the cycle numbers are calculated from the birth date.
The first pinnacle cycle lasts for a period of 27 to 35 years. The second and third cycles last for 9 years. And the fourth lasts for the rest of the person's life.
The changeover is on the birthday of the year the cycle changes. The transition can be for a period of many months.
Use the pinnacle cycle tool for calculating your cycle periods and cycle numbers.
The Challenges
There are two different challenge cycle calculation methods practiced by professional Pythagorean numerologists. Some practice one, some the other. With both methods, the cycle periods and the cycle numbers are all calculated from the birth date.
The cycle periods of one method is the same as the life period cycle. And the cycle periods of the other method is the same as the pinnacle cycle.
The changeover is on the birthday of the year the cycle changes. The transition can be for a period of many months, even a year or longer.
The overlapped challenges tool and the delineated challenges tool can be used to calculate the cycle periods and cycle numbers for the two challenge cycle calculation methods.
The Essence Transit
The essence transit is a yearly cycle. The cycle lasts from birthday to birthday.
The cycle numbers, however, are calculated from individual letters of the name. The cycles often have the same number one year to the next, perhaps for many years.
As indicated, the changeover is on the person's birthday. The gradual transition can be from a couple months before the birthday to several weeks after.
Use the essence transit tool to find your yearly essence transit cycle numbers.
The Personal Year
The personal year is a yearly cycle that changes when the calendar year changes. The personal year number is calculated from the birth date and the current calendar year number.
The energy transition from one personal year cycle can begin as early as October and is generally complete within the first two weeks of the new year.
The personal year calculator can be used to see what your current personal year number is and what it will be next year.
The Personal Month
The personal month is a monthly cycle that changes when the calendar month changes. The personal month number is calculated from the birth date and the current personal year number.
The energy transition from one personal month cycle can begin several days before the end of the month and is generally complete within the first two days of the new month.
The personal month calculator can be used to see what your current personal month number is and what it will be next month.
The Personal Day
The personal day is a daily cycle that changes every day. The personal day number is calculated from the birth date and the current personal month number.
The energy transition from one personal day cycle can begin several hours before the end of the day and is generally complete within the first two hours of the new day.
The personal day calendar tool can be used to get a month's worth of personal day numbers. You can also get a free daily reading email with your personal day interpretation.
Getting All the Numbers
As you can see, there are quite a few numerology chart cycles that can be calculated for a personal chart.
Each cycle description of the above list has a link that can be used to get your cycle period and cycle number.
Alternatively, use the cycle numbers chart calculator. It lists all the numbers in this article in an easy-to-read chart. You specify the year the chart starts and how many years the chart covers.