Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Failed Prediction

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A prediction that failed.
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This contains a fictionalized story of a prediction that failed the person who relied on it.

The essence of the story came to me as a question for the numerology answers website. Reading the question, I imagined the unfortunate person's scenario.

The question started out with:

I'm going through a difficult and stressful period in my life. Every time I try to get ahead I lose money and more money. I don't know why its happening to me.

It's a cycle they're going through — a period in their life, not a condition of their entire life.

At that point of reading the question I'm fairly certain I'll be able to provide encouraging information about their future. Their numerology chart almost certainly will point to cycles where the current energy will change.

But what the person says next tells me the real story.

The person's question continues with this.

Someone predicted, based on my birth chart, that I'll have all kinds of success, huge and countless amounts of money, and that happiness will be mine. But until now I have found nothing without loss and more losses.

My impression is that the person changed the way they lived their life because of the prediction.

Perhaps they experienced undue complacence and took business or gambling risks they normally would not have. After all, they had this wonderful prediction to support them (they assumed), so they couldn't lose.

Almost certainly the person's actions changed because of the prediction. Instead of planned progress toward specific goals, their actions are likely to have became more reckless. Perhaps it was a desire to increase the opportunities for destiny to provide the predicted circumstances more quickly.

It didn't work out. Instead, the person encountered only losses.

Predictions don't come with built-in support.

A person can take predicted tendencies and likelihoods into consideration. It's often prudent to do so when determining the actions required for reaching certain goals or creating certain futures. But I don't think that's the case in this instance.

Totally relying on predictions for personal results is never, ever a good idea. I talk about this at A Risk of Numerology Predictions.

Here are a few salient points based on the article:

  1. Predictions generally are based either on divination or on the likely result of present events and actions continuing the way they're going.

    1. Divined predictions assume the person's free will aligns with the divination tool and that their will won't change.

    2. Consequential predictions assume the person won't change their actions except in ways that support the fulfillment of the prediction.

  2. When the prediction is desirable and aligns with the person's goals, the person tends to relax in their push toward the future that has been predicted.

    1. Working for something that's already assured can seem like superfluous expenditure of energy.

    2. Committing toward another desired goal and letting the prediction take care of itself may feel like a good resolution.

    By changing their actions, they change the future. And the prediction is likely to fail.

  3. When the prediction is undesirable and is contrary to the person's goals, the person tends to resist the prediction or abandon their previous goals.

    1. Resisting something keeps it in mind, which makes its manifestation more likely.

    2. Abandoning goals changes the person's actions, almost certainly ensuring the goals won't be reached.

    An alternative would be to do the actions that will result in a more desirable future, thereby collapsing the prediction.

Predictions aren't predeterminism.

A prediction never provides energy toward its own fulfillment. It's just a statement — no prediction changes things all by itself.

It's not predictions that create a future. It's people. The actions people take are what change the future, what cause either the fulfillment or the failure of predictions.

The person had one more sentence in their question.

Now please predict my future life.

That final sentence told me the person was still looking for someone to tell them what their future would be rather than creating it themself.

Perhaps it's a desire to work with a prediction, to encourage it.

To read my response to the person, go to Please Predict My Future Life.

Tendencies and likelihoods can be predicted. A person's actions can take those into account for creating a desired future. See How to Apply Numerology in Day-to-day Living for ideas.

Predictions are statements without inherent power to create a future.

Actions create futures. Predictions don't.

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