Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Numbers for Any Text
Any written work can be represented by a one-digit numerology number.
A written work can be a sentence, a title, a poem, an article, or an entire book. It can be a love letter, résumé, resignation letter, advertisement, or product description. It can be an email or a blog post. Anything that's written with words can be classified as a written work.
In addition to the work itself, every word in any written work can be represented by a one-digit numerology number.
The one-digit numbers of individual words and the whole of written works each represent certain energy (as do all numerology numbers).
The energy represented by the numbers may be consistent with your intent — compatible or highly compatible. Or they may be incompatible. Compatible and Incompatible Numbers contains information about how to determine compatibility and incompatibility.
Determine the one-digit numerology numbers for individual words and written works by using the online calculator designed specifically for that task.
But why would you want to do it?
As mentioned, numerology numbers represent certain energy.
That energy has a resonance. The resonance can have an effect on the understanding of what is being read or heard.
Generally, the effect is subtle, but persistent. The reader or listener is unlikely to be aware of the effect. But their understanding can be skewed, slightly, yet perhaps enough to initiate a profound impact.
For Authors
Determine what number best represents the resonance of the work you are developing. That linked page has:
One-word interpretations for single-digit numbers.
A one-paragraph interpretation for each single-digit number.
And, each single-digit number links to a stand-alone web page dedicated to the meaning of the energy represented by that number.
With the number at hand that best represents your intent for the resonance of your work, you can intermittently use the online one-digit numbers for words and works calculator to see how you are doing.
When the work as a whole calculates to your chosen number and the number of individual words that calculate to your chosen number is significant, then you are on track with the numerology resonance.
For Readers and Listeners
A number calculated with numerology algorithms represents certain numerology energy. The one-digit numbers calculated for a written work can give a deeper insight into the numerology resonance of the text.
The resonance of the energy represented by the numbers may influence the feelings or impression readers and listeners have about the written work.
The energy represented by the calculated numbers are compatible or incompatible with the subject or intent of the work. The degree of compatibility may influence a person's understanding of the work.
Using the Tool
As mentioned earlier, use the online written works calculation tool to reveal the numerology energy resonance of a written work.
To calculate the numerology numbers of an article or blog post, or individual book chapters, include the subheadings within the content. For web pages, asides, like pull quotes or ads, can be calculated separately. Titles, too, can be calculated separately.
For entire books, don't include the title or any front and back matter, like table of contents and index. They may be calculated separately, if you wish.
For other works, letters for examples — documents that generally don't have headlines or titles — provide the entire document to the online tool.
When the tool is used, the number for the entire document is provided. And also the frequency of words that calculate to each of numerology numbers 1 through 9. The frequency is represented with a graphical bar.
The numerology numbers with the most words have a greater effect than those with less words. In other words, the longer the graphical bar in the calculator's results, the larger the effect of that numerology number.
The numerology number of the written work as a whole can be considered to have at least as much effect as the number occurring most often for individual words.
When ready, use the online tool to find out what the numerology resonances are for a word or written work.