Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Finding Your Life Purpose
What am I here for? What is my purpose? Those questions arise for many people.
There are ways to use numerology to find answers.
This is the initial foundational premise of this article:
A person can be virtually certain that what they are doing now and will be doing in the future are exactly what they're here for.
The second foundational premise is this:
A person's purpose is likely more about the journey than about the grand finale at the end of life.
Numerology can help determine what your purpose is.
This article discusses how to approach the quest — with links to free online tools you can use.
Finding Your Life Purpose With Numerology
Everybody's life purpose is unique, just like everybody's life is unique. The person you are and the experiences you have make you special.
There are several steps to follow for finding your life purpose with numerology.
The first step is related to finding out about yourself — things you probably already know and some you might not. The rest of the steps have to do with events and circumstances as you live life.
Before you proceed with these steps, there are 3 things that must be said:
Numerology reveals tendencies and likelihoods.
Predetermination and predestination are outside the realm of numerology.
Where free will differs from numerology interpretations, free will prevails.
There is no requirement to understand numerology calculations to do these steps for finding your life purpose. Free online calculators can do the calculations for you. Yet, if you're interested in how numerology works in relation to its calculations, the How Numerology Works article is good to read.
Step 1: Finding Out About Yourself
A numerology chart has a position named "destiny" that's consulted for insight into the characteristics of an individual, their outlook on life and the essence of who they are.
Although it is events and circumstances that reveal purpose, knowing who you are in relation to a destiny interpretation can provide additional depth of understanding.
Use the Numerology Destiny Tool to obtain an interpretation of the destiny position of your numerology chart.
Step 2: Finding Out About Your Life Path
An interpretation of the life path position in a numerology chart provides insight into the types of events and circumstances likely to happen intermittently or frequently as you live life.
This is the largest clue to what your purpose is, what you are here for. Your personal reason why you are here is likely to be embedded in your life path interpretation.
Use the Life Path Calculator to obtain an interpretation of the life path position of your numerology chart.
Step 3: Finding Out About Your Life Period Cycles
There are three long-term cycles in a numerology chart named "life period". Each cycle has its own interpretation. The first cycle lasts for a period of 27 to 36 years. The second cycle lasts 27 years. The last cycle lasts until transition from physical.
The energy brought by your current life period cycle affects the energy of your life path. The life path energy is stronger than the life period energy. But the life period energy always has an effect.
Use the Life Periods Calculator to obtain an interpretation of the current life period cycle position of your numerology chart.
Optional Step
The above three steps should give you a good idea or picture about what your life purpose is
If you wish to know about a year-to-year influence on your life path, the Personal Year Calculator can be used for interpretation of a yearly cycle. The calculator provides an interpretation for the current year and for next year.
With the 3 steps and the optional step, you're likely to now have formed an understanding about the reason you're here, what your life's purpose is.