Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
How Numerology Works
It's easy to say (and it's true) that numerology works by applying certain calculations and interpreting the results.
But the statement doesn't say anything beyond the obvious. And there's more to it.
Here you'll learn about not-so-obvious aspects of how numerology works.
The first thing to understand is that numerology numbers, as numbers, don't have a numerology meaning. It seems like they do because people, and even numerologist, often state that certain numbers mean certain things.
But there's a missing level of understanding. It's a level the person making the statement may overlook or assume is commonly recognized, or even that it doesn't matter.
But it does matter — if a person wants to understand how numerology works.
The missing level of understanding is this: The numerology number represents certain numerology energy. The meaning is in the energy.
The energy represented by the number has a vibration. The vibration allows the energy to be sensed.
To obtain the meaning, the vibration is interpreted by the numerologist or numerology student.
So when someone says the number 5 means expression of personal freedom, you know the real answer is:
The number 5 represents certain energy.
That energy's vibration is interpreted to mean expression of personal freedom.
The second thing to understand is that everything that has a name or numbers also has a vibration that can be determined with numerology calculations. The meaning is the interpretation of the vibration relevant to whatever the calculation was applied to.
Let's use a birth date as an example.
The birth date "June 7, 1963" has a vibration. We need to find out what that vibration is so the vibration can be interpreted for a birth date meaning.
"June" is calculated as if it is the number "6". The result of calculating 6+7+1963 is reduced to the number 5. (How to Calculate the Foundation Number describes how that's done.)
Now we know that June 7, 1963 vibrates with the energy represented by the number 5.
The interpretation of the number 5 energy vibrations includes events and circumstances with opportunity to express a personal sense of freedom.
Because the birth date in a numerology chart is in a position related to what happens during the course of living life, the interpretations of its energy vibrations are for likely events and circumstances.
The name in a numerology chart has a different position, one related to personal characteristics. When a name number is the number 5, the vibrations of the energy the number represents are interpreted as meaning likely to be imbued with expression of a personal sense of freedom.
Although it's the same number 5 and represents the same energy, the vibrations of the birth date are interpreted according to what is likely to happen during the course of living life and the vibrations of the name are interpreted as likely personal characteristics.
The third thing to understand is that the energy vibrations of most things can be determined by calculating its name and/or the numbers associated with it.
But not everything's energy can be determined that way.
Career numbers are an example. Calculating the name of a career is unlikely to arrive at the correct number to represent the career's energy vibration.
Instead of using numerology to determine the career's energy vibration, the career's energy vibration is used to determine the number that represents it.
How to Determine a Career Number describes how that's done.
Understanding the above not-so-obvious aspects of how numerology works gives you a depth of understanding that many do not have.