Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
How to Determine a Career Number
Occasionally we receive a question at the numerology answers website that requires a numerology number for one or more careers.
For that purpose, this article lists careers and their numbers.
Everything that has a name or numbers also has a vibration that can be determined with numerology calculations. How Numerology Works talks about that.
But determining the number for a career is different.
Calculating the name of a career is unlikely to arrive at the correct number to represent the career's energy vibration.
Instead of using numerology to determine the career's energy vibration, the career's energy vibration is used to determine the number that represents it.
This means the numerologist needs to be in tune with the vibrations of the career in order to match its energy vibration to the vibration of a numerology energy.
When a match, or close match, is found between the career energy vibration and a numerology energy vibration, the number is known. It's the number that represents the numerology energy vibration.
Here's an example. This shows the steps for determining that a career of organizing vacation travel is the number 5:
Determine that much of the energy vibration of organizing vacation travel translates to expression of personal freedom.
Understand that the numerology energy vibration that also translates to expression of personal freedom is the number 5.
The number 5 is assigned to the career of organizing vacation travel.
The career number is the number energy vibration that resonates best with the career energy vibration.
It takes the skill of a competent numerologist to determine a career number with an acceptable degree of accuracy. The numerologist must be conversant with the various energies that numbers represent. And they must understand the career enough to determine the energy the career represents.
Not all careers have a consistent number.
As an example, an African safari guide career generally resonates with the energy represented by the number 5. However, toward the end of a safari, depending on what happened or didn't happen, the group and the guide might feel more like family, which is the resonance of the energy represented by the number 6.
As another example, a career as a cook generally resonates with the energy represented by the number 4. However, depending on the cook, if the cooking is done in a restaurant that caters to family, the cook may feel like a part of the families that come to dine, which again is the resonance of the energy represented by the number 6.
When a career has more than one number that applies to it, there generally is a most-important number.
There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of different types of careers. It would be virtually impossible to list them all and then to keep the list updated as more are created.
Therefore, what you'll find below is a list of some types of careers that relate to each of the nine single-digit numbers 1 through 9.
Career Number | Types of careers |
1 |
Careers relating to self-determination, exploration, aloneness, independence, and self-sufficiency, including:
2 |
Careers relating to relationships, teamwork, companionship, coexistence, and diplomacy, including:
3 |
Careers relating to creative self-expression, social interaction, optimism, tolerance, and inspiration, including:
4 |
Careers relating to focus, foundation, conscientiousness, method, and pragmatism, including:
5 |
Careers relating to expression of personal freedom, sensuality, curiosity, wit, and adventure, including:
6 |
Careers relating to family, harmony, home, idealism, healing, and health, including:
7 |
Careers relating to science, education, introspection, analysis, spirituality, intuitiveness, and wisdom, including:
8 |
Careers relating to building, business, organization, realism, and efficiency, including:
9 |
Careers relating to compassion, philanthropy, idealism, tolerance, drama, and anything of global human interest, including:
If the career you have in mind is not in the above lists, use the lists to determine which number your career is most likely to resonate with.
On the other hand, if you find your career in more than one number, determine which one is more like the career you have in mind.