Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Predicting What Is Likely

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Have you wondered —

● What events are most likely to happen in my life?

● How do I know what future to prepare for?

Numerology is a wonderful tool for predicting likelihoods.

Specific incidents or resolutions can't be predicted with certainty because:

  1. People have free will.

  2. People create their future by what they do and don't do, even by the way they respond to unanticipated setbacks.

However, numerology is good at predicting likelihoods.

You see, numerology calculations identify the energies that affect the type of effects and circumstances that are likely to be, and not be, drawn to a person.

When you know what is likely, and act accordingly, you can expect to be right more than you are wrong.

Here is an illustration of acting according to what is likely.

A person with a power number 5 is likely to feel compelled to express a sense of personal freedom at about age 40. One or the other of these can be expected:

  • If the person has expressed a sense of personal freedom for much of their life (other 5s in certain of their personal numerology chart positions), then there would not be much unusual change in life routines.

  • However, if none of the core chart position numbers are 5, the seemingly sudden urge to express a personal sense of freedom is likely to interrupt or upset previously established life routines.

The power number 5 is a mathematical certainty. It represents certain numerology energy. The effects of the energy are a likelihood, not an immutable given.

The knowledge revealed with numerology calculations can be used to make life decisions with more certainty. Correct interpretations of the results make much power and control over life available to a person.

When something is a likelihood, it can be prepared for. The situation or event can be influenced so it happens differently or perhaps so it doesn't happen at all.

Looking Into the Future provides guidelines for determining the types of events that are likely to be at certain points in the future. The page has links to free online generators and tools to do the calculations and interpretations.

Knowing what is likely gives a person a critical heads up.

They now have the information needed to prepare for that particular future and/or try to change it.

The links at the future page can be used to determine what is likely in your future.

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