Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
The Name and Birth Date Bridge Number
A person's birth Date number (life path number) and the birth name number (destiny number) can be compatible or incompatible.
We're talking about the compatibility of the energies the numbers represent, whether the energies are resonant or dissonant.
Please do note this: Quality of life doesn't depend on the compatibility of name and birth Date numbers.
A reason quality of life doesn't depend on name/birth Date numbers compatibility is the bridge number.
The bridge number spans the difference between the name number and the birth Date number. It connects the two and provides the means for a smooth interaction of the two number energies.
When you know what your bridge number is, you can take advantage it. The bridge number indicates the type of things that may be considered, focused on, or acted on to heighten the ability to utilize talents and life experience.
The two energies, name and birth Date, may be in resonance or in dissonance. It doesn't matter, really. Whichever is the actuality for you, your bridge number can be utilized to avail yourself of any resonance, or attenuate any dissonance, that may exist between the name and birth Date numbers.
For some people, the name and birth Date numbers are identical. The bridge still serves because, even with the same number, the energies the numbers represent are different. (The name number energy has to do with the characteristics of the person. The birth Date number has to do with events and circumstances while life is lived.)
Let me show you how to find your bridge number.
The bridge number is determined by calculating the difference between the name and birth Date numbers.
To find your bridge number:
Determine your name number (which is your destiny number reduced to a single digit).
Determine your birth Date number (which is your life path number reduced to a single digit).
Subtract the smallest of those two numbers from the largest. The result is your bridge number.
(Hint: Use the The Name and Birth Date Bridge Tool tool to calculate the bridge number for you.)
With the subtraction, no 9 will ever be the result. Only bridge numbers 0 through 8 are possible.
A few examples:
Name number 1. Birthdate number 2. (2-1=1) Bridge number 1.
Name number 5. Birthdate number 4. (5-4=1) Bridge number 1.
Name number 3. Birthdate number 3. (3-3=0) Bridge number 0.
Name number 1. Birthdate number 9. (9-1=8) Bridge number 8.
If you're unsure about the calculations, use the bridge number calculator.
The bridge number indicates the type of things that can be considered, focused on, or acted on to bridge the name and birth Date numbers.
Understanding the energies of the balance number is an advantage. Acting on the understanding can heighten the ability to utilize talents and assimilate experience.
Bridge number 0 —
A bridge number 0 means both the name and the birth date number are identical. There's no dissonance there to prevent the person from taking full advantage of the energies represented by the name and birth date numbers.
Because both are the same number, the bridge is between the characteristics of the person and the events and circumstances the person experiences as they live life. It means a capacity for virtually unlimited expression of the energy the one number represents in those two most important numerology chart numbers.
Bridge number 1 —
The bridge is the most effective when the person relies on themself. Because one of the name and birth date numbers is an even number and the other is an odd number, there is some dissonance between the two — how much dissonance depending on the numbers. The higher odd and even numbers are more compatible than the lower.
When life is approached with a sense of self-reliance and independent thought, the person relying on their own abilities and experience, the bridge is strengthened.
If one of the birth date or name numbers is the number 1, the bridge is strengthened even more.
Bridge number 2 —
A bridge number 2 means both the name and birth date numbers are odd or both numbers are even. And the two are mostly compatible, yet have differences. If one of the name or birth date numbers are the number 2, compatibility is higher.
It is a bridge of cooperation and sensitivity. It's strengthened when life is approached with those ideas in mind and also being open to understanding others' needs and expectations.
Bridge number 3 —
Regardless what the compatibility or incompatibility is, the bridge number 3 is strengthened with creative self-expression. Creativity is a large aspect of the bridge between energies represented by the name and birth date numbers.
The number 3 is the result of one odd number and one even number. Thus, there is some dissonance. Either the name or birth date number is even and the other odd.
Creative expression, curiosity, inspiration, optimism — those all help strenghen the bridge.
If the name or birth date number is the number 3, the person is likely to be imbued with an innate creativity.
Bridge number 4 —
Being pragmatic and methodical, avoiding procrastination, and keeping track of details all help with strengthening and maintaining the bridge.
To make a bridge number 4, either both name and birth date numbers are odd or both numbers are even. If one of the numbers is 4 and the other 8, the bridge is innately strong.
Preparing for the future and building a secure foundation for it, gives the bridge much strenghth.
Bridge number 5 —
One of the name or birth date numbes is odd and the other is even. Yet, the numbers are so far apart there is little dissonance.
The bridge is strengthened by being flexible in ideas, goals, and projects; perhaps trying or doing things never done before. Wit and participation in fun activities with others also help its strengthening. As does expressing a personal sense of freedom with integrity.
Bridge number 6 —
The bridge is between compatible numbers, yet the numbers are different and the bridge is necessary.
The bridge is strenghened by taking responsibility for aspects of home and family, being of service to family members and friends, by nurturing those who solicit it, and being involved in community affairs.
Bridge number 7 —
Even though the bridge number 7 is derived from an odd and an even number, the name number and the birth date number are so far apart that there is very little dissonance — more resonance than dissonance, actually.
The bridge is strengthened with introspection and study of both scientific and spiritual subjects. It results in wisdom. Analysis of situations before acting can strengthen the bridge.
Bridge number 8 —
Either the name number or the birth date number is 1 and the other is 9. The numbers are very compatible. Realism and balance are aspects of the energies represented by the bridge number 8.
Material acquisition and understanding money and using them effectively for both personal and humanitarian benefits will build and maintain a strong bridge.
An interpretation of a bridge number presents ways to make the relationship between the numerology name and birth Date numbers easier and more compatible. Understanding the bridge number can help the person more fully utilize their experience and talents.
Use the calculator to find yours.