Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Personal Gifts From Numerology to You

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From numerology, you can get more certainty in your life — less confusion.

Change is both persistent and intermittent, perpetual and sporadic. It's the way our universe works.

With numerology, you get some prediction about what certain changes might be.

There will still be surprises. There always are.

With knowledge gained about yourself from numerology, surprises are likely to have less unanticipated effect.

Numerology doesn't bring panacea, heaven, or a shangri‑la.

Instead, it brings certainty, direction, and self‑knowledge.

In other words, it doesn't provide an answer to everything. But it can help.

The information numerology reveals for you, personally, can let you enjoy life a bit more than you otherwise would have been able to.

Let's find out how to accept the personal gifts numerology has ready for us.

In order to get our gifts to us, numerology needs to know our name and/or our birth date. Most of the gifts are personal.

The Destiny Revelation Gift

One gift we can accept is an indication of both who we are and who we are becoming. It's from the destiny position of your personal numerology chart.

The letters of your name each have a numerical value. Numerology uses those values to calculate your destiny number.

The energy represented by the destiny number is interpreted for tendencies and likelihoods. These are related to who and what you are, the essence of the individual you recognize as yourself.

Use the free online destiny number calculator. The tool responds with an interpretation of the energy your destiny number represents. Understand the interpretation to understand more about yourself.

If you are sure of yourself already, then there might not be much new information for you in the interpretation. But if you experience uncertainty, do accept this gift and see if it will help you.

The Life Path Information Gift

Another gift we can accept is knowledge about the type of events and circumstances likely to occur persistently or intermittently as you live life. It's from the life path position of your personal numerology chart.

Numerology uses the numbers of your birth date to calculate your life path number.

The energy represented by the life path number is interpreted to see what types of events and circumstances are likely or tend to occur again and again.

Use the free online life path number calculator. The tool responds with an interpretation of the energy your life path number represents. Understand the interpretation to understand more about yourself.

The Getting the Most Out of Your Life Path Number article contains information about life path numbers in general than you may find useful.

More Gifts

The index of free online numerology tools contains short descriptions and links for dozens of numerology calculators and tools you may use to avail yourself of the gifts they have to give.

Numerology can give you information about yourself. It can reveal likely characteristics and attitudes, and predict a likely future.

Numerology does not compel. It does not force. But it is a persistent nudge, a subtle insistence.

Still, free will always prevails when it is contrary to the energies representing your numerology chart.

Numerology calculations reveal tendencies and what is likely. Not commands. Not what must be. Not predeterminations or invariable/irrefutable predictions.

What you do or do not do with your gifts is entirely up to you.

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