Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Effects of 2 to 3 Personal Year Number Change
When a change from personal year number 2 to number 3 is in process, the person's focus tends to shift from a perspective of teamwork and relationships to a perspective of creative expression and socializing.
The personal year number 2, the year of teamwork and relationships, is likely to have included a focus on being, as examples, a team member, a component of a group, and/or an equal partner in a personal relationship.
The year likely included activities with the other or others in relationships, taking care of each other, and using diplomacy and understanding to resolve problems between individuals in the relationship.
The personal year number 3, the year of creative expression and socializing, is likely to include a focus on being, as examples, creative with self-expression, involved in the creative community, and/or a participant in formal and informal social gatherings.
The year is likely to include learning a new creative skill or enhancing a current one; making casual friends, especially with creative-oriented people; and becoming known as a desirable host or guest at social gatherings.
The transition can start as early as late October.
Some people notice it then. Others notice it later, perhaps as late as mid-November or early-December. The energy shift completes during the first half of January.
Although unlikely, free will and life situations can prevent the energy shift from having much effect or being noticed.
The shift from 2 to 3 is more likely to have an effect and to be noticed than higher personal year number shifts. The energy represented by the number 2 generally is focused on relationships and team members. The energy represented by the number 3 is more social and keeps company with casual acquaintances as with close friends.
The personal year energy is transitioning from a year of relationships, coexistence, and teamwork.
The personal year energy is transitioning to a year of creativity and social activity.
The essence of the energy represented by the number 2 is about the welfare of individuals in the relationships the individual is a part of, and connotations of that.
Teamwork, diplomacy, and companionship are part of the energy. As is the recognition of coexisting with others.
The essence of the energy represented by the number 3 is more independent of formal or arranged relationships. There is a tendency to hurriedly embrace informal relationships of uncertain duration, especially when creativity is the attraction.
The energy represented by the number 3 includes solo creative endeavors, creative social get-togethers, creativity parties, membership in art-related associations, and art displays and galleries.
The energy represented by the two numbers, 2 and 3, are somewhat incompatible.
If unanticipated, the personal year number change from 2 to 3 may be surprising. It's likely the person will become less interested in the individuals composing current relationships and more interested in informal acquaintances with individuals resonating with creative expression.
Let's look at the numerology chart of one of our Example People.
The year Daiy Fictive became 15 years old, in 1978, she started experiencing a personal year number 3.
The previous year, a personal year 2, was spent with close friends. She rarely strayed from that comfort zone.
When personal year 3 kicked in, the comfort zone seemed less important. Discarding it from her limitations was freeing. She now readily made friends with all creative individuals, of any age, who didn't actively turn away.
Daiy and a group of teenage friends created plays and acted them out, wrote poems, drew and painted pictures, and creatively decorated their own rooms. The group's membership was flexible and informal, some leaving and some arriving, all with little or no friction.
1978 was a pleasantly creative year for her.
Now that you know what to expect during a numerology personal year 2 to personal year 3 transition, you can be ready for it. Let it be expected instead of surprising.