Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Most Powerful Chart Numbers

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"What is my number?"

That may be the question asked most often by people new to numerology.

Generally, people know that there is more than one number in their numerology chart. What they're really asking, then, is for the number with the most influence in their lives — their strongest or most powerful number.

The thing is, there are two numbers that are the most powerful, the destiny number and the life path number.

The destiny and life path positions are the two fundamental core numbers, the birth name core number and the birth date core number. (Altogether, there are five core numbers, but those two are the most powerful.)

If you don't know what your destiny and life path numbers are, get a free numerology reading for yourself.

In your numerology reading, find the "Your Destiny or Ultimate Goal" number. That is your destiny number.

Then, find the "Your Life's Path" number. That is your life path number.

If both the destiny and life path numbers are the same for someone, then a person has only one most powerful number. Most people, however, have a different number for each of those chart positions.

(The two numbers are also the luckiest numbers, by the way. Things tend to manifest in a person's life that are similar or identical to the vibrations of those numbers.)

When a person has two most powerful chart numbers and they want just one of them to be their numerology number, there is a choice to make.

The most powerful numerology number for a career is the life path number. It could be called, "My career number."

The most powerful numerology number representing the individual the person knows themself to be is the destiny number. Thus, for a personal "my number is …" number, the destiny number is it.

That is, unless a person has changed their name.

When a name has been changed, obtain the destiny number for the birth name, not the destiny number for the new name …

… unless the new name has been with the person long enough to be so familiar that the birth name is hardly ever thought of, and then only as strange or distant — in which case the new name's destiny number would be the most powerful numerology number representing the individual the person knows themself to be.

So, which is the most powerful number for you, your life path number or your destiny number?

When it relates to your career or what you do in you life, your actions, the most important is the life path number. On the other hand, when it relates to you, the individual you are, the most important is the destiny number.

When someone asks "What is your number?", you now know what it is.

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