Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

The Best Locations

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Where to live? Where to vacation? Where to have the marriage ceremony?

Questions related to the best geographical location come up from time to time.

The best locations are likely to resonate with your numerology chart.

The concept of where is best is subjective. Aspects other than numerology may affect the decision — aspects such as personal comfort or desire, the local economy, the job market, and who lives nearby.

Be that as it may, numerology can be used to determine locations that resonate well with the numbers in your personal numerology chart. (Or the charts of each of the principals in the case of wedding location, or a business location.)

Numerologists with consulting clients consider the client's core numbers and relate them to each location's major name numbers before they make a location recommendation.

The compatibility areas are then weighed and related to each location the client is considering.

Once all the variables are weighed, a recommendation can be made.

Fortunately, you don't have to do all that calculation. There's an online calculator you can use: Location Compatibility Calculator

Instead of a recommendation, the tool responds with a compatibility quotient calculated from the elements a numerologist would calculate from. Then, the quotient for each location is published for you to use when making your own decision.

A compatibility quotient can be a positive number, a zero, or a negative number. A positive number means there is more compatibility than incompatibility. The larger the positive number for the locations you've checked, the more compatibility is present.

To determine the best location for more than one person, such as the principals of a wedding or business partners deciding where to locate their company, use the calculator for each person. Add together the compatibility quotient of each location for every person. The largest compatibility quotient is the winner.

If there's a tie with your quotient totals, consider personal preference to break the tie. Potential street address and apartment numbers can also be considered.

When deciding on the best location to move to, or for a vacation, or for other reasons, determining the compatibility of locations with your numerology chart can be a significant factor in decision-making.

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