Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Certainty in a Wildly Changing Universe

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Certainty and stability amid a life of unpredicted changes.
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Numerology can provide a sense of certainty and stability amid a life of changes and unpredictable disruptions.

Change is a constant. A sense of certainty can also be a constant.

Numerology reveals tendencies and likelihoods. It is the understanding of the energies represented by certain numbers in your numerology chart that provides certainty.

If you understand (as an example) that you tend to feel like a cosmic mother or father, and realize that you tend to gravitate toward assuming responsibility for the health and happiness of your family and friends, then those tendencies are a constant you can rely on.

With the understanding of tendencies and likelihoods, there is room for unanticipated events that may require handling emergencies and coping for a period of time, and to make it desirable to change plans or approaches.

But through it all, you are certain that (continuing to use the same example) your tendency is to take responsibility for people's welfare. It's a foundation you can depend on. You know that when the emergency is over and things are more settled down, that tendency will be with you and you're likely to follow it.

Your certainty permeates the personal experience of unpredicted events. That which is certain, prevails. Events fizzle out and change. Certainty is always there supporting you.

There are nine prominent tendencies and likelihoods revealed in every complete numerology chart that can provide certainty when understood.

Understanding the energies represented by the number of a numerology chart position includes knowing the realm of influence the chart position has. Examples of realms of influence are the events and circumstances that tend to manifest as you live life, the characteristics and outlook of the person you are, and how you present yourself to others.

Learn what your seven prominent tendencies are. Become comfortable with them. Understand them.

Understand also that you have free will, that you can decide to do things contrary to those tendencies. Whether or not you choose to go along with them, the tendencies and likelihoods will remain. They are constants you can rely on.

As life changes, the personal numerology chart constants remain as they are. They're always there, always present, always available.

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