Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Can I Change My Numerology Numbers?

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Some people are unhappy with the numbers of their personal numerology chart.

Perhaps they assume the numbers are the reason for an unlucky period of their life. Perhaps someone has told them certain numbers in their chart are bad. Or, perhaps, they just have a personal dislike for some of the numbers.

Whatever the reason, they would like different numbers for their chart.

The numbers calculated from the birth date are fixed. There is no changing those because there is no way to change a person's birth date.

If a person's name is changed, the numbers calculated from the name are likely to change. It is possible for some name numbers to be the same after calculating the new name. But, most likely, all name numbers will change.

However, and this is important to be aware of, just because a name is changed, and some numerology chart numbers change, it doesn't mean the person's life will change immediately, soon, or even ever.

There are reasons. Let's talk about them.

One of the reasons a name change won't automatically change a person's life is because numerology does not force itself on a person.

If the person continues to live the same way, do and not do the same actions, and does not change the focus of their free will, changing numerology chart numbers has little effect.

Numerology does not run a person's life. The person runs it.

Names and name numbers represent certain numerology energy. The energy is expressed as a gentle, persistent nudge. A person's free will is always more powerful than a numerology energy nudge.

And, there are two reasons a new name does not immediately have an effect:

  1. The energy represented by a person's birth name is always present. It may diminish somewhat, become less effective, but it never completely goes away.

  2. The effectiveness of the energy represented by a person's new name increases as the person gradually identifies themself with the new name.

The force the birth name energy has gradually diminishes somewhat as the new name energy becomes more fully identified with.

If the person never fully identifies with the new name, the new name energy will never fully manifest and the birth name can continue to affect the person more than the new name energy.

Numbers, as numbers, are neutral. They don't do anything by themselves. They're just used to represent things.

In numerology, numbers represent energy.

Some of the energy can be changed by changing one's name. But it doesn't come free.

Changing one's name doesn't suddenly change one's numerology energy. You have to mean it.

Only when the new name is identified with to such a degree that the birth name no longer feels like the self, only then can the new name energy be fully present without hindrance.

At that point, even though the birth name energy is still present, it is mostly hibernating.

Changing some of the numerology chart numbers can be done. And it can be successful.

Success is achieved by changing the approach to life and changing actions and inactions, all according to the energies of the new name.

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