Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

The Source of Happiness

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While a numerology chart can guide, it isn't the source of happiness.
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Discover how to use your numerology chart as a guide to the happiness you seek.

It can seem like situations or possessions or fulfilled wants are the source of happiness. But that's only a seeming. The fact of the matter is, real happiness comes from within. Always.

Happiness isn't an achievement, but a state, an is-ness. You either are happy or you aren't.

It's unlikely that anyone who tries to be happy actually becomes happy from trying. Trying to achieve happiness is a person saying they aren't happy. And when you aren't happy, you aren't happy, regardless what you do or don't do.

In a moment, I'll talk about things that can be done to elicit happiness. I'll also describe how to use your numerology chart numbers and readings as a guide.

Happiness generally, but not always, is accompanied with an acceptance of oneself and circumstances. But what accompanies it doesn't cause the happiness. The happiness is already there.

Someone who is happy is more likely to accept themselves as they are. They're more likely to have a job they like, and friends they like, and live a life they're satisfied with.

It might appear that those things make the person happy. But that's not the case. Look at it vice versa. It's more likely that being happy led the person to accept themselves as they are, to like the job and the friends they have, and to find satisfaction in their life.

Experiencing wonderful life situations doesn't make happiness. But happiness can attract wonderful life situations.

Eliciting Happiness

There are things that can be done to elicit or coax happiness, things that tend to unblock whatever may be preventing or suppressing happiness. Those things generally relate to:

  1. Helping people without expectation of reward or even acknowledgement.

  2. Accepting and liking who and what one is.

  3. Seeing positive possibilities and opportunities within one's circumstances.

  4. Experiencing a certain sense of connection and satisfaction with all of existence.

  5. Being compassionate and honest with oneself and others — living a deceit-free life of integrity.

It's not that those points are necessary for happiness but that they can entice happiness to manifest.

Happiness Clues in Your Numerology Chart

Accepting and liking who and what one is requires knowing who and what one is.

The knowing that comes from experience of self can be sufficient. For a deeper knowing, your numerology chart has clues.

Being aware of the tendencies and likelihoods revealed in your numerology chart can have a profound effect on the perception you have of yourself and your life.

A true perception of yourself is key to accepting and liking who and what you are. While a person may be happy with an incorrect perception they have of themselves, true understanding of self generally provides a firmer foundation for continued happiness.

Let's talk about the numerology destiny number first. This important and major number of your numerology chart is the person you are now. It is both the now you and the future you. Your whole life, in fact, except during formative years.

Arm yourself with your own destiny reading from Numerology Destiny Tool. In addition to the reading, it also provides you with your destiny number. Find the paragraph below with your destiny number for an indication how it can be a clue to your happiness.

Happiness clues for destiny number 1 are being self-sufficient, self-reliant, and making your own decisions about your goals and life.

Happiness clues for destiny number 2 are being a peacemaker, a team player, and using your intuitive abilities to restore and maintain harmony.

Happiness clues for destiny number 3 are creative expressions. Inspiration, a sense of beauty, and artistic talents can be most satisfying.

Happiness clues for destiny number 4 are making progress toward the completion of a solid foundation for financial and personal security.

Happiness clues for destiny number 5 are expressions of personal freedom, versatility, cleverness, following ideas on a whim, and entertaining.

Happiness clues for destiny number 6 are nurturing family and community, like a "cosmic" Mother or Father, and championing the ideals of love and companionship.

Happiness clues for destiny number 7 are knowledge of life and spiritual relationships and being intuitive, intelligent, an observer, and familiar with knowledge accessible within.

Happiness clues for destiny number 8 are material accomplishment and professional standing, and being an authority on business and corporate management.

Happiness clues for destiny number 9 are being of service to mankind, compassionate, and tolerant, and representing all that is fine, true, and generous.

Happiness clues for destiny number 11 are being of spiritual service to the human race, tirelessly promoting actions and ideas to improve the spirituality of the world.

Happiness clues for destiny number 22 are the creation or building of an institution, organization, or method that will benefit large numbers of people.

As stated earlier, happiness is a state, an is-ness, not something that's achieved by doing things. The above provide clues that can elicit happiness from within and let it bloom.

Happiness either exists or it doesn't. It's existence can be coaxed but not coerced. It's something you are, not something you have or something you do.

The source of happiness is within.

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