Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Numerology-Compatible Titles for Books
You are an author. You wrote a book. And you want the the title of your book to resonate with the essence of what your book is about.
Someone like that, an author with a book to title, is who this article is for.
Numerology can be used to determine the numerology energy represented by each of various titles you specify. The final decision about which title to use for your book will rest with you.
There are nine broad types of energies, represented by the numbers 1 through 9. Every title will calculate to one of those numbers.
An example of a compatible title is the hugely popular first book of the Pern series. The book's title is Dragonflight, which calculates to the number 4: Pragmatic. The book's essence is about a sensible and determined approach to accomplishing goals, which may be a secure foundation for the future.
The title and essence of the book match is spot on. One wonders if Anne McCaffrey consulted numerology.
A title compatible with the book is unlikely, by itself, to make a book popular. That is the job of the content of the book. But an incompatible title may be sufficiently distracting to prevent a book from being popular.
Let's say it is more a letting it be popular than it is making it popular.
The essence of what your book is about will fit within one of the nine energy categories better than any of the others. To determine which, you will, of course, need to be clear about what your book is about.
When you have determined which number best describes the essence of your book, then a title may be determined with a resonance compatible with that same energy.
Your title and your book can then be said to be in resonance. The numerology energy represented by your book and by your title will be compatible.
Determining the Energy Best Suited for Your Book
There are nine broad categories of numerology energy, labeled with numbers 1 through 9. They are listed below.
Find the number that represents the essence of your book better than any of the other numbers.
Number 1— Alone. The book's essence is a sense of being alone, self-determined, or self-reliant. A leader might feel like this.
Number 2— Together. The book's essence is of a partnership, a companionship, and perhaps a feeling of belonging and caring.
Number 3— Creative. The book's essence is about creative self-expression and/or social interaction that provides inspiration.
Number 4— Pragmatic. The book's essence is about a sensible and determined approach to accomplishing goals, which may be a secure foundation for the future.
Number 5— Freedom. The book's essence is an expression of a personal sense of freedom. Following whims. Wittiness.
Number 6— Nurture. The essence resonates with harmony and with nurturing home and family, and taking responsibilities seriously.
Number 7— Introspection. The book's essence is a focus on learning about and knowing of self. Wisdom also resonates here.
Number 8— Business. The book's essence is about operating businesses and accumulating material resources, and perhaps building great works to benefit society.
Number 9— Humanitarian. The book's essence is related to the well-being of humanity, tolerance, compassion, and perhaps philanthropic activities.
A Title Compatible With Your Book
When you have determined the number that best represents the numerology energy of your book, then titles can be tested until one is found that represents compatible energy.
Use the book title calculator to calculate the numerology value of your prospective titles. The calculator also determines whether or not titles are compatible with the essence of your book.
If none of your prospective titles are found to be numerologically compatible with your book, other titles may be composed for testing. If more than one title is compatible, then any of those may be selected for the title.