Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Effects of 3 to 4 Personal Year Number Change

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A shift from personal year number 3 to number 4 is a transition from a year of creative expression and socializing to a year of focusing on building a secure foundation for the future of self and family.

The personal year number 3, the year of creative expression and socializing, is likely to have included a focus on being, as examples, creative with self-expression, involved in one or more creative communities, and/or a participant in formal and informal social gatherings.

The year likely included being immersed in creative activities; making casual friends, especially with creative people; and becoming known as a desirable host or guest at social gatherings.

The personal year number 4, the year of focus and foundations, is likely to include a focus on being, as examples, trusted, reliable, and someone who gets things done.

The year will likely include methodical, step-by-step building of a secure financial foundation and establishing pleasant conditions and circumstances for themself and their family.

The transition can begin as early as late October.

Although unlikely, free will and life situations can prevent the energy shift from having much effect or being noticed.

Some people notice the energy shift in October. Others notice it later, perhaps as late as mid-November or early-December. The energy shift completes during the first half of January.

During the shift, the inclination to rein in the socializing may be a bit disorienting. The energy represented by the numbers 3 and 4 are somewhat incompatible. The 4 energy has a tendency to focus on goals to the exclusion of social activities. The 3's creative expression, however, may provide a head start to fulfill the need for a secure foundation.

The personal year energy is transitioning from a year of creativity and social activity.

The personal year energy is transitioning to a year of focus and building a foundation.

The essence of the energy represented by the number 3 generally doesn't require formal or arranged relationships. There is a tendency to hurriedly embrace informal relationships of uncertain duration, especially when creativity is the attraction.

The energy represented by the number 3 includes solo creative endeavors, creative social get-togethers, creativity parties, membership in art-related associations, and art displays and galleries.

The essence of the energy represented by the number 4 is about establishing material security and comfort. A foundation for continued security is part of that focus. It is conscientiousness, dependable, and responsible. It fulfills commitments.

The energy represented by the number 4 includes pragmatism. A practical method is determined to accomplish a goal and then followed to completion.

If unanticipated, the personal year number change from 3 to 4 may be surprising. It's likely the person will become less interested in informal acquaintances with artistic-oriented individuals and more interested in the material security of the future.

Let's look at the numerology chart of one of our Example People.

The year Neight Fictive became 22 years old, in 2007, he started experiencing a personal year number 4.

The previous year, a personal year 3, was a bit awkward for him. None of his major name numbers and no major cycle number has the number 3. Thus, the social and creative 3 personal year seemed to nudge him into being someone other than who he basically is.

When personal year 4 kicked in, he felt a relief. The number 4 is the same as his life path number and his destiny number. Things felt right. He became happier. Although he wasn't consciously aware of a particular life purpose, he experienced a sense of living according to it.

2007 was a pleasant year for him.

Now that you know what to expect during a numerology personal year 3 to personal year 4 transition, you can be ready for it. Let it be expected instead of surprising.

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