Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Cycles Based on Birth Dates
Numerology calculations based on the birth date generally are associated with time.
That means cycles.
When a number is calculated for a specific period of time, a new cycle starts immediately afterward. The last of a series of cycles generally are not restricted to a counted or pre-determined period of time; rather, the cycle lasts until a certain event, like the end of life.
No cycle timing is calculated using the name, as name numbers are timeless. Numbers related to cycles may use the name letters or numbers to help determine a cycle's meaning, but the cycle's timing is calculated using only the birth date.
The birth date itself represents a lifelong cycle. Other cycles are shorter, ranging from one day to many years.
The cycles have names — life path, pinnacle, personal year, power, life period, challenge, personal month, personal day.
The birth date numbers are used to calculate the numbers that represent the energy of the various cycles that can be represented on a personal numerology chart.
The birth date numbers also are used to calculate the timing of cycles — except for the timing of the life path, which is a lifelong cycle and has no need to be calculated.
A List of Numerology Chart Cycles
Below is a list of each cycle mentioned earlier, along with a short description and links.
Use the birth date cycles tool for calculating the numbers of all the cycles mentioned here in one calculator operation. Or, use the links provided with each cycle description to both calculate the number for that particular cycle and obtain an interpretation of the result.
Life Path
The life path is the most reliable numerology chart position to predict the general types of events and circumstances likely to occur as a person lives life. It is the only lifelong cycle.
Use the life path calculator to find your number and read an interpretation of it.
Something happens about midlife — your power energy comes into force.
The power cycle is dual, both aspects with the same number. During the first cycle, the energy is mostly dormant. At early midlife, around age 40 to 45, the second cycle begins and the energy wakes up.
The power cycle calculator can provide an interpretation of your own power energy.
The four pinnacle cycles are a roadmap of what to expect, the type of experiences you are likely to have. Each is a major cycle of life. They are likely to deepen your life experience.
The pinnacle cycles calculator provides the timing of each of the pinnacles. It also provides an interpretation of the person's current cycle.
Life Period
The energy the three life period cycles represent tend to influence the tone, likelihoods, and tendencies of your life. It can affect your point of view of your own life as influenced by the events and circumstances you experience.
The life period cycles calculator provides the timing of each of the life periods. It also provides an interpretation for the current cycle.
Challenges revealed with numerology are an indication of special traits or talents. These can be accepted and grown into, becoming a foundation for increased happiness and life satisfaction — something through which a person can gain certainty and clarity.
Challenges are calculated in two different ways. Here are links to the two calculators.
Each calculator responds with the cycle timings and with interpretations.
Personal Year
The personal year article had interpretations for each personal year numbers and links to transitions articles talking about what to expect when transitioning from one to the next.
Use the personal year calculator for the numbers and interpretations of this year's personal year and next year's personal year.
Personal Month
Your personal month number changes every month. The personal month article describes the energy — to plan a better month.
The calculator for personal months has the numbers and interpretations for a month you select and the following month.
Personal Day
Every day is different. Some are dramatically different, others not so much. The personal day number indicates what the tone of the day will be. When the tone is known, the day's tendencies and how you'll be affected can be predicted.
Instead of a calculator for personal day numbers, here is a personal day calendar, a calendar with an entire month of personal days calculated, a month you select. General interpretations for each number are below the custom calendar.
Being Aware of the Energies Represented by Your Numerology Cycles
Each cycle has a number. The number represents energies. The energy is what to be aware of.
It is the energy that can influence what you experience, which events and circumstances are attracted.
Being aware of the energies that can influence your life experience can explain things that otherwise might be disorienting. Advance notice provides a period of time for planning, which may be a plan to enhance the effect or to nullify it.