Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Effects of 7 to 8 Personal Year Number Change
When the personal year number 7 changes to the number 8, the person's introspective orientation tends to become an orientation of material pursuit. An inward focus becomes an outward focus. The focus tends to change from analytical to worldly.
The personal year number 7, a year of study, analysis, and finding answers within, likely included a remarkable intuition.
It was a year of gaining wisdom, of pursuing perfection, and an intent to understand self more and more as information is gained. The energy the number 7 represents includes easier access to ancient wisdom of ancestors accessible through introspection.
The personal year number 8, a year of business and material acquisition, is highly likely to include efficiency and balance in the pursuit of goals or running of a business. The energy the number 8 represents is an energy of realism. Projects and goals are likely to be realistic this year.
The year will likely include a desire to build systems or processes for personal benefit and, perhaps included in the desire, that others can use for their own benefit.
The personal year number energy change can begine as early as later October. Some people notice it then. Others notice it later, perhaps as late as mid-November or early-December. The energy shift completes during the first half of January.
The energies represented by the numbers 7 and 8 are incompatible. The 7 energy has an inward focus and the 8 energy has an outward focus.
There is a dissonance between the energies.
The personal year 7 to 8 shift can feel freeing for people with charts that have a preponderance of even numbers. Likewise, there may be a feeling of missing something for people with a preponderance of odd numbers in their numerology chart.
Unless a person expected the shift they're likely to experience a degree of disorientation. Although unlikely, their free will and life situations may prevent the energy shift from having much effect at all.
The personal year energy is transitioning from a year of introspection and accumulating wisdom.
The personal year energy is transitioning to a year of material focus and the business of building something that will benefit society.
The essence of the energy represented by the number 7 is about knowledge of self. Study and life experience and actions of looking inward provide information for the cumulation of wisdom. Information is analyzed. Mysteries are solved.
The energy represented by the number 7 is spiritual, intuitive, and wise. It includes a desire for perfection and recognition of quality.
The essence of the energy represented by the number 8 is about material concerns. Business and building systems and procedures to benefit many resonate with the energy.
The energy represented by the number 8 includes efficiency and realistic expectations. It has an urge to build something that endures for a long time. The person with a personal year 8 tends to be more confident of their ability to manage people and business and tend to eagerly assume responsibility for financial prosperity.
If unanticipated, the personal year number change from 7 to 8 may be surprising. The person tends to become less interested in the mental and spiritual aspects of life and, instead, becomes focused on material acquisition.
Let's look at the numerology chart of one of our Example People.
The year Neight Fictive reached 22 years old, in 2007, he took over the management of the family's hardware store. It was the year he experienced the energies of a personal year number 8.
It was an appropriate period to take control of the store, the number 8 representing business and focus on material like it does.
The previous year, the year Neight turned 21 and reached his majority, his focus was inward, being urged to define who he is and his life purpose. Now legally an adult, he very much wanted to fulfill that implication. This looking inward, of course, was supported by the energy of that year's personal year number 7.
When personal year 8 kicked in, he felt more sure of himself and assumed himself to be an adult with adult reasoning powers.
Therefore, when his dad asked him to take over the business, he felt his experience in the business during the years he was growing up and his current status as an adult were sufficient qualifications.
His dad would run the business during the winter while Neight was attending college and the period when business generally was slower. During the summer, at the height of the business activity, Neight would be in charge.
(If you're wondering, it worked out very well. Neight got years of experience with his dad as a guide and was well equipped to take over completely after he finished college.)
Now that you know what to expect during a numerology personal year 7 to personal year 8 transition, you can be ready for it. Let it be expected, not surprising.