Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Where Is the Shocking Part of Numerology?

No doubt you have seen ads suggesting there is something shocking in your numerology chart.

It is expected there will be things in your chart you weren't consciously aware of. But shocking?

Probably not — unless it is something revealed about your future that would have been shocking if you hadn't known about it in advance. Events may be shocking when they are sudden and unprepared for.

Numerology readings can:

  • Provide personal validation.
  • Reveal types of events and circumstances likely to be in your future.

Numerology can not predict everything. But it can reveal certain cyclic changes with mathematical precision.

Knowing what is likely in the future may provide enough advance notice to do something to prevent unwanted or shocking circumstances or to improve them.

Numerology Readings for Personal Validation

Your numerology chart is created with calculations on the values of the letters of your name and the numbers of your birth date. Thus, the chart reflects the energies you already are familiar with.

The reading can be a validation of who and what you had thought yourself to be. "Yes, that's right" is likely to be a repeated reaction as you proceed with your numerology reading.

Unless you are feeling numb in your life at the moment, you will recognize at least some of what's in your numerology chart. Other things you previously weren't aware of about yourself have a feeling of being correct.

There can be a sense of personal validation to realize a mathematically calculated reading supports what you had thought all along.

Numerology Readings for Predicting the Future

Many cyclic changes and their most likely events and circumstances can be predicted with numerology.

There are daily and monthly cycles. And yearly cycles, both by calendar year and from birthday to birthday, some calculations based on birth date and some based on birth name.

Longer cyclic changes can also be calculated. The three life cycles and the four pinnacle cycles are examples.

Most cycles have a different number associated with each cyclic period.

If the numbers from one cycle to another are mostly compatible, there may be little change to notice. For incompatible numbers, the change is highly likely to be noticed.

Without knowing about the numerology-predictable changes, the reason for the change in feelings or life outlook are unknown and the person is likely to make something up to justify the new situation.

Get a numerology reading. Click here. Have advance notice of the nature of the cyclic changes you will experience. So the changes aren't unexpected. And so you can prepare for them.

As an example, when a person is experiencing an 8 pinnacle cycle, it is good to know if in a few years the pinnacle cycle will change to the number 5.

The 8 pinnacle is a period of more than usual efficiency, balance, and realism, generally good for running a business. The 5 pinnacle is a period of more than usual wit, curiosity, and sensuality, generally a period of heightened expression of personal freedom.

Why is it good to know about the upcoming change? To plan for the transition. The 8 is more responsible and focused. The 5 less responsible and more likely to change focus on a whim.

Nothing can be done to prevent the ending of the 8 cycle and the beginning of the 5.

However, knowing it will happen, the transition can be prepared for by making good investments and solidifying a financial foundation before the end of the 8 cycle. The 5 can also handle business; it's just unlikely to stay focused on a long-term view and can be somewhat irresponsible.

The shocking part of numerology is mostly in what is unrevealed. Without being revealed, it can't be predicted and prepared for.

Get an in-depth numerology reading with information about all the cycles to change what would have been shocking to something predicted. And perhaps (if you've had enough advance warning and were able to adequately prepare for it), change it to something blasé.

Do click here to get an in-depth numerology reading.

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