Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

The Most Important Thing About Numerology

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The most important knowledge when using numerology is the understanding that numerology energy has an influence, but does not dictate.

The influence is a gentle nudge.

The numerology influence may affect certain decisions a person makes. It may influence decisions that have only short-term consequence and decisions with the potential to affect the rest of the person's life.

When there is conflict between free will and numerology influence, free will usually prevails. Free will tends to be stronger.

Numerology influence is a gentle thing. Free will can be adamant and focused.

There are other things about numerology that are important, of course, most related to specific positions of the personal numerology chart — the types of numerology energy rather than the concept of numerology energy altogether.

The numerology energy represented by the core numbers are at the top of the importance consideration. That's because they are the basic birth date and name calculations. The free online reading at this website provides succinct interpretations for each of your core numbers.

The calculations of the numbers for the rest of the personal numerology chart positions are based on the core numbers.

Although the core numbers are generally the most important, what is truly most important for a numerology reading are the chart positions with the most immediate influence for a person and the situations they find themselves in. Thus, as an example, the potentially dramatic personal year change from 4 to 5 may be most important for an individual.

Be all that as it may, a complete understanding of this is the most important: Numerology energy influence is a subtle nudge and free will generally has more immediate short-term influence.

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