Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Change Your Life With Numerology
The things you can find out about yourself with numerology can change your life.
Being unable to change your life generally means there's missing information. If you knew everything you needed to know, you would know how to proceed.
Yes, of course, you need to do things in order to change your life. But you also need to know what to do. When you know what to do, you can go ahead and do it.
Numerology can provide information about:
You, the person you are or tend to be.
The type or tone of events and circumstances likely to occur in your life.
Numerology might or might not provide all the information you need. But it's likely to be enough for a good start toward where you want to be.
Get that start toward what you want in your life. Then continue to make more positive changes.
Here's how to get the information from numerology.
Getting the Numerology Information
What you'll be doing is getting information about yourself as a unique person. It's important to have all the information that's available so better decisions can be made.
You'll also be getting information related to the types of events and circumstances to expect in your life. Being aware can help you prepare.
Information About You as a Unique Person
Numerology reveals tendencies. Knowing the tendencies, you can determine how you want to respond to each one.
As an example, let's just assume a tendency is to follow your whim, to go in a new direction or make new goals whenever it appeals to you. We'll use that example to illustrate choices that can be made in relation to that tendency.
Go along with the flow. Let the tendency push you along or ride along with it.
When you feel an urge to try something new or go a different direction, follow the urge if it's convenient to do so.
Encourage the tendency. Do things that enhance or strengthen the tendency.
Be alert for new things to be interested in. Talk to people and ask for ideas about new things to experience. Wholeheartedly accept and be grateful for any and all urges to go different directions.
Discourage the tendency. Do things that discourage or weaken the tendency.
Make goals that require dedication and write down the step-by-step actions to reach the goals. When an urge comes along to drop that and pursue something different, firmly put your foot down and bolster your dedication to the goals you made.
Those types of choices can be made for each personal tendency revealed with numerology.
Here's how to find out about your tendencies:
Use the heart's desire calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your heart's desire. It's an inner urge a person is born with; a perpetual motivation.
The heart's desire number reveals what you have (your inner resources). And it reveals what you want more of, what drives you.
Use the personality calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your personality. It's a glimpse into the real you for those who you interact with.
The personality number provides a clue to what a person is likely to welcome wholeheartedly and, conversely, what they are likely to screen out. It's a number representing an aspect of your true nature.
Use the destiny calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your destiny. The number represents energies related to who and what you are, the essence of the individual you recognize as yourself.
The destiny number is who you tend to evolve into or become more of.
Use the open heart calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your open heart letter (usually, this is different than the heart's desire revelations).
The numerology open heart letter in your name reveals an urge of the heart. This urge comes from deep within. It's very much a part of you and it colors almost everything you do in life.
Use the cornerstone calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your cornerstone letter.
The numerology cornerstone letter is in the front of your name, at the front as you experience life, and it determines in large part how you approach life's opportunities and obstacles.
Use the capstone calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your capstone letter.
The numerology capstone letter describes the most likely way you finalize achievements, the attitude you have and how you respond as you finish projects and tasks.
Use the bridge calculator to find out what numerology reveals about the bridge between your name and your birthdate.
The bridge number indicates the type of things that can be considered, focused on, or acted on to bridge the name and birthdate numbers — even when the numbers are compatible or identical.
Use the intensification calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your name intensification number or numbers. Repetition of numbers tend to intensify the effect of the number.
The number represented by name letters that is repeated most often represents a special intensification of the number's energies. It is the numbers that repeat the most often which provide the most insight into this additional meaning of your name.
Use the quiescent-self calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your quiescent self. The number provides clues to what you imagine when you are alone, unbothered, and with no outside influence.
The energy represented by the quiescent-self number provides a clue to what you consider to be an ideal life experience.
Use the hidden passion calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your hidden passion. It represents a concentrated talent or a particular strength in a field of expertise.
The hidden passion number is the number repeated the most and reveals your hidden passion.
Use the inner talents calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your inner talents letter. It reveals an area somewhat like a comfort zone, an area where your talents can develop naturally.
The inner talents letter reveals much about your talents, where they lie and how they might be utilized to better fulfill the potential.
The first three on that list are the most important.
But your free will is the most important of all. Your free will lets you effectively decide whether to go along with, enhance, or discourage each of the tendencies revealed.
Information About Types of Events and Circumstances to Expect in Your Life
Numerology also reveals likelihoods — the types of events and circumstances likely to occur as you live life.
Some types of events and circumstances are likely to occur intermittently or persistently throughout a person's life. Others are more likely to occur during periods of certain cycles. Some cycles are relatively short and some last for years.
The events-and-circumstances information can be used to prepare for their occurrence.
If the types of events and circumstances are wanted, preparation can be things to take full advantage. If unwanted, preparation can be things to dilute or alleviate the effect of the event or circumstance.
Here's how to find out about various types of events and circumstances likely to be experienced as you live life:
Use the life path calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your life path. Some of the circumstances may occur frequently. Others may be persistent.
The numerology life path is the most reliable chart position to predict the events and circumstances likely to manifest during your life.
Use the power calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your power period. The period beings to come into power around age 40, sometimes a few years later.
The numerology power number makes extra energy available to you and, once started, lasts for the rest of your life.
Use the life periods calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your life period cycles.
There are three life period cycles. The first change is when a person is 26-34 years old. The second when 52-60 years old.
The life period cycles can have a profound effect on a person's life.
Use the pinnacles calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your pinnacle cycles.
There are four pinnacle cycles. The first cycle lasts for 27-35 years. The second and third cycles each last for 9 years. The last cycle lasts until end of life.
Each pinnacle cycle can be an intense episode of transformation in a person's life.
Use the challenges calculator to find out what numerology reveals about the four challenges.
Three of the challenges are cyclic with cycle lengths very close to the life cycle lengths. The fourth challenge is a life-long challenge.
Challenges can be embraced. There is potential for personal growth and a boost forward toward your goals or life purpose or whatever sublime destiny awaits you.
Use the personal years calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your personal year cycles.
Every year, things change. The general type of changes likely to occur are predictable.
Use the transits calculator to find out what numerology reveals about your essence transits.
The essence transit energy affects how you make decisions and how you approach life. It can reveal the turning points and highlights of your life.
All of the above are equally important.
The longer cycles have a longer effect, the shorter cycles are in effect for a shorter period.
The shorter cycles generally aren't as strong as the larger cycles. However, because they can interrupt the flow of life, they're just as important as the longer cycles.
Now That You Have the Information
You now have a lot of numerology information at hand that applies directly to you. You can use it to prepare yourself for life's challenges, to enhance your particular talents and strengths, and to change your outlook on life.
Use it to make your life what you want it to be.