Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Your Hidden Passion Number
The hidden passion number is the most-often-repeated number that the letters in your name represent.
When numbers in a name are repeated, the energies they represent are intensified. Thus, the number repeated most often indicates the hidden passion.
The energy the passion number represents describes something the person with that name tends to be passionate about, generally a particular strength in a field of expertise or a concentrated talent.
It's possible to have a tie for the most-often-repeated number. In that case, the one with the most resonance with other numbers in the chart is the hidden passion number.
When there is only one most often repeated number, it is relatively easy to calculate what the number is — count the numbers represented by the letters of the name. I'll describe how further below.
Here is a table to help calculate the number that occurs most often in a name. The table presents the number represented by each letter of the alphabet.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
We'll use Daiy Jane Fictive for the example. Here is an illustration of her name letter values.
D | a | i | y | J | a | n | e | F | i | c | t | i | v | e | ||
4 | 1 | 9 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 9 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 4 | 5 |
Count the number of times the number 1 occurs. How often the number 2 occurs. And the other single-digit numbers.
As a verification for your counts, here is a table listing how often each number occurs in her name.
Letters with number one: | 3 | |
Letters with number two: | 1 | |
Letters with number three: | 1 | |
Letters with number four: | 2 | |
Letters with number five: | 3 | |
Letters with number six: | 1 | |
Letters with number seven: | 1 | |
Letters with number eight: | 0 | |
Letters with number nine: | 3 |
Generally, there will be one number occurring more often than any others.
Sometimes, however, two or more numbers occur the most often, a tie for first place so to speak. The counts for Daiy Jane Fictive have three numbers tied for occurring the most often: The number 1, the number 5, and the number 9.
When two or more are tied for occurring most often, the real passion number needs to be determined. The passion number calculator does this for you. But if you prefer to do it yourself, this is the procedure:
Scan these numerology chart numbers, in this order, until you find a match for any one of the name numbers that occurred the most often. That first match you find is the real passion number.
- The destiny number.
- The heart's desire number. (The heart's desire number for Daiy Jane Fictive is the number 1. Because the number 1 was one of the name numbers that occurred the most often, the number 1 is her passion number.)
- The personality number.
- The life path number.
- The birth day number.
- The reduced total of the birth month number added to the birth day number.
- The reduced total of the birth year number added to the birth day number.
- The reduced total of the birth day number multiplied by 2 and then the birth year number and the birth month number added to that.
- The reduced total of the birth year number added to the birth month number.
- The reduced total of the birth month number.
- The reduced total of the birth year number.
It would be unusual, but if none of the above match the name number that occurred the most often, then the person has more than one passion number. I've never seen that happen, but it is possible.
Here are succinct one-sentence interpretations of the energy represented by each passion number. (The calculator has expanded interpretations for the passion numbers is finds.)
Hidden passion number 1 —
The individual is likely to be competitive, ambitious, and passionate about getting things done.
Hidden passion number 2 —
There's a passion for gathering information to better understand others and their relationships.
Hidden passion number 3 —
The individual has a passion for art, expressing with art, admiring art, has an optimistic outlook on life, and likes to entertain and attend parties.
Hidden passion number 4 —
The individual has a passion for efficiency and good, solid workmanship.
Hidden passion number 5 —
There is a passion for personal freedom to pursue new experiences.
Hidden passion number 6 —
This person dearly wants to nurture others to happiness.
Hidden passion number 7 —
There is a passion to learn and understand everything about themselves and life.
Hidden passion number 8 —
There is a passion and drive for respected position in society and to accumulate money and material resources.
Hidden passion number 9 —
The passion is for the welfare of humanity, a deep yearning to help others.
Find your numerology hidden passion number with the hidden passion number calculator. The calculator includes an interpretation for your passion number.