Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Numerology as a Guide

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Any good guide provides information that may be used to reach a goal or to make the journey easier and less confusing.

The guide does not do the work for you. Nor does it penalize if it isn't followed. It just provides information. Your own free will takes precedence.

Numerology can be used as a guide you can consult from time to time as life is lived — being aware of the information numerology provides in the same way one is aware of other knowledge, skills, and experience.

The personal numerology chart can be consulted for tendencies and likelihoods that may affect a decision. Various sources of other information also may be consulted before determining goals or making life decisions.

As a guide, the personal numerology chart interpretations are important, perhaps vital. Generally, the guiding information is mostly related to personal tendencies and the likelihood of certain types of events happening in the future.

For an example, when a person is interested in starting a business it may be prudent to see what their numerology cycles will be in the near future.

Let's imagine the person is interested in starting a travel-related business and consults their pinnacle cycles for lucky timing information.

Their pinnacle number might be a 5 at this time. The 5 energy relates to expression of personal freedom, doing things on a whim, and going on adventures.

Looking into the future, the pinnacle number might change in a year or two and become a 6. The 6 energy relates to family, home, and nurturing.

Thus, it can be seen that the person's focus is very likely to change. This may be an inappropriate time to start a travel-related business.

As a guide, the numerology chart is consulted for information related to goals being considered or decisions to be made that will have an effect on the person's life. How reachable that a goal may be generally depends at least in part on the tendencies and likelihoods revealed in the numerology chart.

Positive Use of Numerology

A positive use of numerology recognizes the various readings as information that may be considered and used — not that must be used.

The positive use lets people be in control of their own lives, their own destiny. When people make decisions, taking full responsibility for their actions, they can lay claim to all that results.

The more familiar a person is with their chart, the more likely they will be aware of numerological influences during day-to-day living.

The more aware a person is of the influences that affect them, the more understanding they have. The more understanding they have, the easier it is to consider the numerological influences when decisions are to be made.

And the more they consult their numerology chart along with other applicable information, the more often their choices wil be right.

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