Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Recognizing Your Edge on Life
In a race, all a winner needs is an edge. No huge lead is required. Even a tiny lead is sufficient to declare a winner.
In life, the edge is information — information about yourself.
When you recognize certain noteworthy qualities about yourself, it can give you an edge in making life decisions and determining goals.
Becoming familiar with the qualities and always being aware of them is what it takes.
Your decisions and actions automatically tend to take your noteworthy qualities into consideration. Life tends to become easier over time. More and more, things seem to be in your favor.
It is an edge on life that is yours.
Knowing just four things about yourself as revealed by Numerology can give you a nice edge for making decisions and living life.
The future is not written in stone. Instead, it is malleable. It responds to actions.
Your decisions can be more informed. Your actions can be more aligned to the future you want.
You can have more control over your future.
It is a real edge. And it is within your reach.
The Four Noteworthy Characteristics
Knowing and understanding the following four noteworthy characteristics about yourself is key for an extra edge on life, things about yourself that tend to influence your life decisions.
An ever-present desire — a strong desire that's always within you.
A type of person you are comfortable being — something that pleases you when you see yourself this way.
Some aspects of you as a person — your personhood, the person you are.
A type of events and circumstances that tend to occur in your life — one that occurs persistently or repetitively.
When you know those four notable things about yourself, you have more control over your future. Because what you do and don't do today affects what your future holds.
Use the free Edge on Life online tool to reveal your four noteworthy characteristics. Consider them as you make your decisions about what to do and not to do as you live life.
How to Employ the Four Noteworthy Characteristics
Here are examples of how a person can identify with the four noteworthy characteristics to get a real edge on life.
An ever-present desire.
Ever-present desires are always or almost always present and felt. Actions and decisions have a tendency to be influenced by them.
By fully understanding what the personal desire is and accepting that it is always present, it tends to have less hidden or subconscious effect. More conscious determination can be brought into the process of making decisions.
A type of person you are comfortable being.
Actions and decisions tend to be within a person's comfort zone as an individual, regardless what the conscious goals and intentions are.
Understanding what your comfort zone is lets you consider areas outside your normal comfort zone. Going outside the comfort zone, even if only slightly, can result in a deeper understanding of self and provide a substantial edge on life.
Some aspects of you as a person.
These aspects relate to what a person is, their personhood, the essence that is the person. Goals and actions virtually always have a resonance of these as their foundation.
The aspects tend to permeate everything the person does, even emergency actions and decisions. Realizing their influence and cultivating the ability to be comfortable outside them can result in a huge edge on life.
A type of events and circumstances that tend to occur in your life.
At least one type of events and circumstances tends to occur intermittently or persistently as a person lives life.
Recognizing the type can be a real help when making goals and decisions affecting more than the short term. Goals consistent with the type of things that tend to happen anyway are more likely to be successful.
Being aware of the four noteworthy personal aspects as you live your life can make a difference in your certainty that you're making the right choices and setting up the right goals. Success is more likely than if you were not aware of them.
Use the free Edge on Life online tool to reveal your four noteworthy aspects. They're good to know. They can give you an edge.