Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Living and Soaring With Numerology

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Numerology is effective and relevant to you.

The process of understanding your own numerology can help you live a better life by revealing more about you and your future.

This is what numerology does: It reveals likelihoods and tendencies.

How it works: The number of each numerology chart position is mathematically calculated. The numbers represent energies or a resonance that affect your life and who you are. The energies' effects are subtle, undemanding, always respecting free will, yet forever present.

How Numerology Can Be Used

Be aware of the likelihoods and tendencies that extend from the energies your numerology chart numbers represent.

That awareness can:

  • Result in more rewarding day-by-day living.

  • Be available when making life-changing decisions.

  • Provide extra insight into the nature of people you interact with.

Each of those are addressed here. Plus, we'll mention some common misconceptions of what numerology is.

The numbers resulting from numerology calculations represent energies that affect who you are and the things that happen as you live life. What the calculations reveal are inclinations, not predeterminations — not compulsions, just energies with subtle influence on you and your life.

Numerology isn't a psychic study. Although some numerologists are psychic and may use numerology calculations to augment or open psychic perception, the numerology numbers themselves aren't psychic. The numbers are the result of exact mathematical calculations. There's no psychic-ness about them.

To be aware of the numbers in your numerology chart, and aware of the energies they represent, is to also be aware of the tendencies and likelihoods the energies bring to you and your life.

Thus, you know what is relevant. And you know that you, yourself, have to live your own life; that numerology by itself doesn't do anything other than reveal the numbers that represent the energies with a direct effect on you.

Being aware of those energies and taking them into consideration can result in a more meaningful life.

More Rewarding Day-by-Day Living

Going along, day by day, aware of the energies that affect you, is a wonderful situation to be in.

Your heart's desire is clearly defined. You know how you tend to present yourself to others. You're aware of the challenges revealed in your numerology chart. You're aware of the types of events and circumstances that are likely to manifest again and again along your life path.

There's a lot of personal value in awareness.

The opposite, going along blindly, can result in tripping on challenges and tendencies and making mistakes.

It's not that you won't make mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes. But you're likely to make less mistakes than you otherwise would.

Making Live-Changing Decisions

Your numerology chart reveals the timing of various cycles and the influence they have on you and each other.

When making decisions that will affect your life for a long period, being aware of the cycles can make a huge difference in the completeness of information needed to make correct decisions.

Extra Insight Into the Nature Of People

When you're comfortable with your own numerology chart, you're in a wonderful position for quick glimpses into the nature of people. Knowing the first letter and first vowel of a name can reveal much.

The glimpses won't always be exact. Many different things make up a numerology chart. But the first letter and first vowel of a name do provide an indication of the person's approach to life and their open heart's desire.

When those are known, and knowing the tendencies and inclinations of your own numerology chart, you'll be able to fairly accurately determine how well a work, social, or romantic relationship is likely to work out.

A list of the influences of the first letter of a name is at described in the Cornerstone article.

Also, a list of the influences of the first vowel of a name is described at the Open Heart article.

Using Numerology to Live a Better Life

The information revealed by your numerology chart can be used directly.

If you know your life path number is a 5 and you tend to go off on tangents, enjoying the new sensations and points of view adventures can provide, and it's really a lot of fun, then you can also understand it's prudent to establish a home base to return to and to cultivate friendships that can be called on if needed.

On the other hand, if you know your life path number is a 4 and you tend to be wholly focused on building a secure foundation for the future, then you also understand it's prudent to occasionally engage with people in social settings, and with your spouse if you're married, to prevent isolation.

Those are examples of two numbers in one of numerous numerology chart positions

Being aware of the influences of the numbers calculated for the positions of your entire chart can make a lot of difference in your life. It can let you live and soar with the use of numerology.

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