Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

How Cycle Numbers Affect Each Other

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There are various cycles in a full personal numerology chart.

Cycles are periods of time when certain influences can affect an individual — each cycle having a number to represent the cycle's energy.

The shortest numerology cycle duration is a day. The longest cycle spans half a lifetime.

Each cycle number represents its own energy. Thus, the various cycles that overlap have an effect on each other.

Some are peaceful and cooperative. Others are disruptive.

Even when the cycle numbers are identical, they have an effect by strengthening each other's influence exponentially.

To serve as an example, let's suppose the personal year number is 4 and the personal month number is 5. The personal year number's influence lasts an entire year. The personal month's influence lasts a month.

The energy of a personal year number 4 attracts events and circumstances related to work, focus, and preparing for the future.

The energy of a personal month number 5 tends to bring a desire to express ones sense of personal freedom and attracts events and circumstances within which to express it.

The two energies are incompatible. The 4 is staid and conscientious. The 5 is ebullient and doing whatever happens to be amusing at the moment.

The personal year generally has more influence than the personal month.

If the numbers are incompatible, however, it can seem like the personal month has the most influence. That's because shorter-duration contrary influence tends to garner more personal attention.

Personal year energy can be a steadying influence as the various monthly energies pass through.

With the example as an illustration, during the personal month 5 cycle of a personal year 4, the person's insistence on expressing their sense of personal freedom is somewhat held in check by the 4's larger influence.

But not constantly. There are likely to be spontaneous expressions of freedom that then require the 4's methodical attention before returning to its important duty of building a foundation for the future.

As the above example illustrates, cycle energy has an influence on other cycles existing at the same time. And vice versa.

The energies of some cycle numbers are highly compatible and tend to strengthen each other. Some affect each other only a little. And some are disruptive to each other.

Compatibility of Number Energy contains a chart indicating the compatibility and incompatibility of the energy of every number from 1 through 9.

Here are a few links to calculators and articles for some of the various numerology cycles.

The energy represented by numerology cycle numbers tend to affect each other in some way. Knowing what the various cycles are and their duration can help a person to predict the likely effects.

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