Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

This Day's Numbers

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Some numbers in your numerology chart change as time goes on. And some don't.

Every day, at least one number changes.

Every day, the personal day number is different than it was the day before. When a month changes, both the personal day number and the personal month number change.

Other numbers change at other intervals. There is a yearly cycle with a number change every year. And some numbers represent multi-year cycles that change infrequently, perhaps once during a 9-year period, or even a period several decades in extent.

In numerology, the shortest cycle change in your personal chart is one day. The longest is 36 years.

So, of what benefit is this information?

When a person knows which number or numbers are different today than they were yesterday, and which will be different tomorrow than they are today, it can provide clues to the types of events and circumstances that are likely to be different. It is a heads up.

In numerology, every number represents certain numerology energy.

There are many numbers in a personal numerology chart. The energies they represent all have an effect on each other. They are an aggregate. Some number energies are compatible, some not.

Generally, the numbers associated with cycles of longer duration are stronger, given that they are present for a longer period of time.

Numbers associated with shorter cycles, however, tend to be more disruptive. The energy of the new number brings a sudden change to the aggregate. Then leaves, being replaced with another number.

Thus, the generally less-persistent personal day number energy may have more effect, during the day it is present, than personal year number energy, simply because it is a new energy introduced into the aggregate.

An Example

As an example, let's suppose during the course of one day, the personal day, month, and year numbers are 3, 3, and 9, respectively. And the challenge, life period, and pinnacle cycle numbers are 3, 9, and 6.

The numbers 3, 3, 9, 3, 9, and 6 are nice balance of numbers. All are compatible with and support each other.

The next day, the personal year number is a 4. That day, the numbers are 4, 3, 9, 3, 9, and 6.

The energy represented by the number 4 is somewhat compatible with 6 and 9 energy, but highly incompatible with the 3 energy.

This introduces an interruption. Instead of the 3's creative and charismatic energy, the day's 4 energy resonates with methodology and focus.

Although there are two more 3s in the agregate, the 4 energy puts a damper on the energy they represent.

The person with 4, 3, 9, 3, 9, and 6 for a day is likely to focus on determining how their creativity can support their lifestyle more than is usual on other days.

As demonstrated with the example, the effect a number change has depends on the other numbers in the aggregate. Everybody is different.

The day's numbers calculator responds with numbers for both today and tomorrow. The numbers that can change are together in one table so you are able to see which changed.

The table with the calculation results has links to the various chart positions the numbers were calculated for. Each number is linked to a web page describing the energy the number represents.

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