Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Effects of the Shorter Numerology Cycles
A full numerology chart has many, many numbers. Each number represents energy with the potential to affect the person the chart was calculated for.
Which numbers have the most influence on the person depends, partly, on the chart positions of the numbers and, also on how much attention the person gives to certain aspects of their life.
It's a big subject.
This article addresses only numerology cycles — specifically the effect of the energy represented by shorter numerology cycles on the energy represented by longer numerology cycles.
Numerology cycles last from a day to 36 years or longer.
A short numerology cycle can seem as if it has more of an effect than do larger cycles. Usually, it only seems to be so.
During the progress of larger cycles, a person tends to get used to the influence of their energy.
Because they bring their own energy, shorter cycles may be sensed as a disruption. The disruption can seem like it has a larger influence because it is noticed more.
And that may be true. Shorter cycles may actually have a larger influence — temporarily.
An energy is noticed most at the beginning of a cycle because it is something different. While it is noticed more, it tends to have more influence.
An example is further below.
However, just because a short-cycle influence is noticed more in the beginning doesn't mean it continues to be stronger than a long-cycle influence.
There are exceptions. We'll talk about them after the example.
An example:
Let us suppose a person has a life period cycle number 8 (which lasts at least 27 years). Every year during the life period cycle, there is a shorter cycle named a personal year.
For the example, let us assume that during the current year the person's personal year number is the number 5.
The person with the life period number 8 has gotten used to the energy provided by the number 8. It's hardly noticed (but still just as influential as it ever was).
When a new year starts, the new personal year number is suddenly in focus. With a personal year number 5, the energy resonantes with expressing a personal sense of freedom to pursue whatever may be of interest — which is contrary to the 8 energy's resonance with organization and efficiency.
The 5 energy seems to have more influence because it is new and suddenly in the person's experience.
While the 5 influence may entice the person to express their sense of freedom now and then, especially during the first part of the year, they tend to express the 8 energy more than they express the 5 energy.
A cycles' energy is consciously felt the most when the cycle starts. Then the energy tends to blend into the ebb and flow of living life and fade from alert consciousness.
As stated, generally longer-period cycles have more influence than shorter-period cycles. But there are exceptions.
One reason for exceptions is that a cycle number identical to a core number gets an energy boost. The resonance of the cycle number and the core number merge and raise the influence of both core and cycle numbers.
It is similar when other numbers match in the person's chart. The match boosts the energy, but generally not as much as with a core number.
In general, the longer the cycle, the more influence it has. It is possible, in some cases, that the day-to-day influence of a longer cycle is less than a shorter cycle's day-to-day influence.
Still, the cumulative influence over the longer term is almost certainly higher than the shorter cycle energy provides in any case.
Calculating cycle numbers:
The short cycles calculation web page contains information about how to calculate the personal year, month, and day numbers. They, and also longer-term cycles, can be calculated with individual calculators linked from the Numerology Tools index page.